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bev! boosted

Everyone! I have an important announcement to make:
I have found the *best* cover artwork of a DOOM CD compilation

bev! boosted

imagine thinking that Boston Dynamics' literal killing machines funded by and designed for the US military are good just because they're shaped like dogs or whatever

You ever feel touch starved? Just wanting someone to hug and hold you?

Cause that's how I feel right now.

bev! boosted

Back at it again with the best album of 2017 for cafe music

New on the Secret Area: Homefront is a bad first-person shooter.

It's also a game with ridiculous amounts of product placement.

I decided to document all the ones I saw.

While I didn't get a lot done today, I did write about 1,700 words about how a game had ridiculous amounts of product placement.

It'll be interesting once I post it tomorrow.

I always feel bad when I post something and don't advertise it on mastodon until like, weeks later.

I'm not deliberately ignoring y'all, I'm just too used to the auto-share thing on other social media sites. :blobfrown:

Something I totally forgot to post from a couple weeks back:

Did you know people are still playing Call of Duty 4's multiplayer on PC in 2018? I talk about the simplicity of COD4's multiplayer and the quirkiness of the PC version.

bev! boosted


it took a few more months than they said it would, but these pills finally turned me into an enormous kitsune

video games, brands 

I'm playing Homefront, a really bad Call of Duty knockoff that pretty much killed THQ, and I totally forgot there's a fuckton of brands in the game:

- NOS and Full Throttle vending machines
- A mission takes place in a TigerDirect store
- At one point you shoot enemies from a Hooters
- There's Jansport, Pabst Blue Ribbon and other ads strewn about
- Finally, you walk into more than one White Castle. One of characters mentions it *by name* in game.

Christ, this game.

bev! boosted

What if we put A lost soul on top of Doom Marine's body! 

It'd look something... like this!

bev! boosted
bev! boosted
bev! boosted

when you order pizza online that's called the dinnernet

hoo boy I totally hate days where I don't do anything and be lazy, feels like I'm bringing people down when I do that

bev! boosted

game shows 

The host of this Card Sharks pilot is named Tom Green.

No, not *that* Tom Green. I couldn't imagine that one hosting a game show.

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game shows 

Watching this pilot for a 1996 Card Sharks revival that didn't get off the ground.

Man, they changed so much when they didn't really need to.

Whatever happened to "If it ain't broke, don't fix it?"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!