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bev! boosted
bev! boosted

I tried to finish Red Faction Armageddon, only for it to crash as I exited a level with the main character saying "This better not lead to the garbage dump."

Didn't think the game would dunk itself.

bev! boosted

transphobic game dev warning 

The devs behind the recently-released Ion Fury are kinda anti-SJW types.

These days, I think Red Faction Guerrilla is *very* overrated.

A decent game for its time, complete with ridiculous levels of destruction, but that's all the game had going for it. It was an average free-roaming game otherwise.

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I'm playing Red Faction Armageddon because I had an itch for another average and fun shooter.

It's not nearly as bad as people say it is, but I figure people were angry at Volition because didn't make a proper follow-up to Guerrilla.

Organizing my large MP3 collection isn't a waste of time, is it?

bev! boosted

in 2007 the official Mute Records youtube channel uploaded a copy of the video for Yazoo's "Don't Go" which was in very low quality and had clearly been edited using Windows Movie Maker. in 2013 it was finally made private and then deleted

Yazoo - Don't
bev! boosted

i clicked on this and it was a pitched up version of Cotton Eye Joe and i'm

bev! boosted

Listening to Ronald Jenkees' "Disorganized Fun," which seems to be a decent little electronic album.

I'm familiar with him because Guitar Sound was gonna be one of those songs in Rock Band Network, but I guess the deal fell through as I never saw it there. Probably would've been fun on guitar.

bev! boosted

boost this post if you:

- have a butt
- don't have a butt
- are a butt
- have 2 butts

nobody will know which one

I like the goofy '90s FPS tech aesthetic that games like Quake II and Turok 2 use.

I want that to make a comeback because it's so stupid, yet so cool.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

Okay, which of you wrote “trans rights are human rights” in the dirt on the wall of this tunnel? They also wrote “all cats are beautiful” so I know it was one of you.

An observation: I'm not visibly affectionate in person often, and I worry I come off as I don't want affection.

No, please, hold me, hug me, put me at ease and make me not touch-starved.

Sure is the time of the night to listen to Santa Esmeralda's cover to "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood."

A flamenco-influenced disco cover that goes on for over 16 minutes.

Yes, I have strange tastes in music, why do you ask

gender (~) 

I put on a skirt.

What I expect to think: "Oh god, *yes*, this is me" as barriers melt and you see my gender euphoria glow from fucking space

What I actually think: "Oh, this feels neat" as I just go about my business

The latter is normal, right?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!