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bev! boosted

today's gender is: the way that those four horn stabs in the Big Bill Hell's background music almost line up with the words "and not get wet"

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Seeing a lot of my friends get that halo mister chef collection has me getting that FOMO feeling again.

And I don't even *like* Halo that much!

Went through an article I wrote and started paring down parts that I thought were getting too much into the game mechanics rather than how I felt about it.

I think criticism works better when it's more about what you thought about it rather than what the game is about.

bev! boosted

mood, quiet (-) 

sorry for not posting/sharing stuff lately, I've been sleeping in through most days and just not feeling too great. :blobfrown:

bev! boosted

It's fun to write an article about a game based on movies when you haven't seen the movies in question.

bev! boosted

I found a strange bootleg SNES game at a thrift store today! And for some reason, wrote a blog post!

Selling superfluous digital junk on Steam for Steam wallet credit is probably one of the better moves I've made this year.

I mean, why hoard CS:GO items when I'm not really interested in the game anymore?

body, mildly gross 

having eczema on my fingers sucks. Glad I have ointment made for that purpose...

sick, mood (-) 

Hate feeling sick. Took some medicine and currently in a state where I feel exhausted but not tired.

Also feel a bit lonely. :blobfrown:

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

hella cheap discount game deals 

A friend brought to my attention GOG is selling UT2K4 for a god damn dollar:

One of the rare cases I'll make an immediate impulse purchase.

I'd been meaning to get it, but it seemed to never go lower than $10 on Steam sales.


wish people weren't so far away because I totally would cuddle right now :blobsad:

Oh snap, I forgot tomorrow is the Day of the Blart.

Time to listen to the entirety of 'Til Death Do Us Blart again...


Facebook reminded me of a Twitter thread I did 3 years ago about me and gender issues.

Seems this has been something I've been thinking about for a long time, and stupid me never acted upon any of it until this year.

I still feel as if I'm playing catch up.

bev! boosted

you know, there comes a point where randomizers stop being interesting, and judging by this speedrun, we've clearly passed that point.

Been playing a fairly bad licensed title I bought on a whim years ago: Rambo: The Video Game.

It does so many dumb and terrible ideas that I'm amazed it got made. Dull light gun gameplay mixed with bad audio and looked bad even by 2014 standards.

Yet the same people who made this made that new Terminator game that just came out, which *might* be better? Maybe?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!