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If I ever get the chance to see some online friends, we're cuddling in thigh-highs.

This is non-negotiable.

I realize that I don't post a lot, and when I do it's like 2-3 things daily.

I feel like if I post a lot that I'm gonna annoy people, so I don't.

I also figure a 34-year-old like me should not be shitposting.

continuing random gender thought, one day later 

I'm still struggling to grasp this, as my thought process is "unless I purge all this body hair, I am not feminine"

"I need to be smooth otherwise why should I wear my thigh-highs or my dress"

Is that normal, or

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Oops, I forgot to post it to Mastodon (sorry!) that I made a new post on the Secret Area Patreon about Stacked with Daniel Negreanu, a poker game with a rather infamous quote from a certain magazine.

random gender thought 

wait, you mean I could be feminine and still have some semblance of body hair?

that doesn't make sense, what

bev! boosted

"i need to make a better effort to keep up with recent music" i say to myself while listening to phil collins easy lover on youtube for the 5th or 6th time in a row

I slept in through most of today and now I feel guilty because I haven't done anything productive :blobfrown:

Here's a Secret Area throwback for this week: The Game Boy Color port of Hoyle Casino, which was one of my portable go-tos in high school, for some reason.

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

I went for a walk at a cemetery today and this was the back of the headstone of a guy who turned out to be a high school basketball coach

light self-loathing, my website 

I know I'm incredibly bad at self promotion.

I don't know what I can do to have people read my things, to give me support, to know I'm not just writing to a crowd of nobody.

What's the trick to get successful? Do I need to get scummy and just spam my stuff everywhere?

Just frustrated that it feels like my work isn't getting noticed or appreciated. :blobsad:

Admittedly, I like doing posts like these, where I cover fairly recent games.

Those are more interesting to me to write about as I don't play games when they're new that much, so I don't get caught in the hype.

A shame that not a lot of people read those posts. :blobfrown:

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Today, I updated a review I made about Far Cry 3, because I was thinking about that post recently and wanted to improve it somewhat.

Listening to a random Spotify playlist I made a few years ago called "chill jams."

Not sure if Paul Hardcastle's King Tut counts but it's certainly a jam

bev! boosted

Eric Trump is upset that people are now protesting "Paw Patrol".

And I get it.

It's hard when someone threatens to cancel your favorite TV show.

alcohol mention, physical pain 

protip: careful where you walk while drunk, otherwise you might stub your toe and still feel the pain the next day.

Haven't felt a pain last this long in a long time, honestly. worried I might've broken it.

alcohol mention, affection 

I'm drunk, bring snuggles

gender, family, alcohol mention 

There's a small bit of me that's concerned that that's just the alcohol talking, but I figure that if they don't mind, that this is a genuine thought.

I'm just nervous and excited now. I might get to be who I want to be without fear of worrying about what others think.

These are gonna be some interesting times.

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gender, family, alcohol mention 

While in another drunken haze tonight, I confessed my gender problems with the one person whom was my roadblock for a long while: My dad's girlfriend.

She seemed okay with it.

I can't believe it took me like several months and a few drinks to open up and confess something.

alcohol mention 

I've been given a rather tall glass of frozen strawberry margarita.

It's alright. Trying to get used to the "sipping around the glass so the salt and the margarita mix together" part.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!