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bev! boosted

What if we put Knuckles' head on top of Rush's body! 

It'd look something... like this!

Honestly wish I learned how to rollerskate.

The last time was about 15 or so years ago, which involved me constantly falling on my ass.

I feel like that's something I genuinely would enjoy doing.


starting to regret choosing the wild wings as my favorite team

that "blaseball" thing 

okay, since everyone's talking about it, let's see what this blaseball thing is now rather than six months from now long after its cultural relevance

morning, folks.

still not feeling 100% confident on the name thing. but I can't think of any other names right now so I'll stick with it.

not gonna lie I posted this for some vague sense of validation and confidence

getting some response was worth it, I think

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bev! boosted

Today has been lightly productive. I went out to drop off a form, I wrote a draft of a future blog post...

It feels weird to like, say "I'm gonna do something" and not just procrastinate for a few days until I guilt trip myself into doing it.

Where has this motivation come from??

Listening to SomaFM's "Underground 80s" station play Rock Lobster, a 1978 song, tells me two things.

1. Songs from prior to 1980 can be featured on the station, making it not really "Underground 80s"
2. "the 80s" is an arbitrary decade that we just follow so everything's consistent

I feel so weird that I don't have a webcam when I visit two group chats that use video chat

But I honestly don't want to look at myself normally, having a webcam would make that worse

Fallen down a rabbit hole of watching 1980s Hollywood Squares episodes

This show was so goofy yet I love it for some dumb reason

okay, usually I'm alright with text chat and don't really feel up with voice chat unless others start up something like a game or a stream

but lately I've been feeling like I want to voice chat with people as a spur-of-the-moment sort of thing? it's weird.

video games, talking about a janky FPS from 2008 

So I finished Turning Point: Fall of Liberty.

It's so janky. It definitely feels unfinished. It tries to feel like Medal of Honor: Airborne and fails. And its plot was done better by Wolfenstein: The New Order a few years later.

I definitely have found a new thing to write about, because this thing is the kind of amazing trainwreck I haven't experienced in a good long while.

One thing I'll hope to get over someday is worrying that anything I say to someone will make them immediately hate me.

So many times I've sent replies and comments to people, only to feel "oh wait they may not like that and they'll start hating me, better delete that"

It sucks.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!