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bev! boosted

watching baseball with friends.

come for the baseball, stay for the oddball trivia and bizarre US commercials

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

my fiancée @Atatra has a bad knee and needs a new knee brace, too. i've been unemployed for a year now because nobody in tech is hiring anymore. give us money

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Sussudio by Phil Collins but Splatoon

call it... Squiddio.

a shame that my hands kinda cramp when I play for more than a few songs, which tells me I need to do more hand exercises.

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turns out clone hero is still pretty good

bev! boosted

a message about anyone "othered" by society 

I found this a long while ago, and it rings true every time I read it.. everyone who is othered by society has to be much more careful about our actions and words less we give "proof" that doesnt exsist.

man they need to make movies with more cool car chases.

and I'm not talking like the fast & furious franchise here, something more akin to smokey and the bandit or cannonball run

update: I found a copy on this album on eBay for $3 (plus shipping).

might be future article material.

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A conversation on a discord server with folks about Regis Philbin's music career reminded me of this... wonderful gem:

bev! boosted

completely lost my mind with this video 7 seconds in

today I learned Windows 10 has a keyboard shortcut to rotate the entire screen.

probably useful to someone, but nobody in this household.

there's so many folks I know on my computer screen that I miss talking to.

they're so cool, more than I am

never thought I'd be listening to new age music by the guy who made the price is right theme, but here we are

bev! boosted

The money we've gotten so far has been a huge help, and i'm really grateful, but we're still less than halfway towards our goal, and costs aren't getting any lower, as well as the cost of living here getting worse, anything else you can spare helps, and all boosts are welcome, we need the help to try and stabilize our lives and be happy

now I'm getting to that stage where I'm slowly rearranging all the stuff around my room, and shoving stuff into boxes, which is satisfying.

most of the stuff I own has lied dormant for years and were mostly conversation pieces than anything I actually used.

guess I'm getting to the declutter phase of my life, huh

I've since gotten new sheets and a frame for my bed.

is now a great bed.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!