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hearing the "whirr-click-click" of a dying hard drive is not how I wanted to start my morning :blobunamused:

since I've been feeling this pain the past few days, I'm starting to completely understand why folks don't want to be human

bev! boosted

Ordering donuts at midnight is a good idea, right

god I love timbales

amazing percussion instrument

makes songs better

bev! boosted

new on the #linkcache

The US Ruler - Do you have trouble communicating metric sizes to Americans? Then this tool is for you!

Your Name in Landsat - Type in your name (or any word, really) and see it spelled using satellite images of the Earth!

Look Scanned - Upload a PDF to this website and make it look like the pages have been printed and then scanned back into your computer, without the hassle of doing it for real.

bev! boosted

"nsfw" "sfw" forget this I'm making a "swf" account. you must have flash player installed to see this content

bev! boosted

me: *drops phone without case on concrete*
me: "please don't be cracked"
the phone:

Sometimes one must introduce your internet friends to local Portland personalities like Ramblin' Rod

whose gimmick was literally a big coat with a ton of buttons on it, promoting Chuck E. Cheese to kids

New on the Secret Area: The Version Everybody Knows: A small rant about how tough it can be find alternate mixes for songs in the streaming era.

Likes, shares, and comments appreciated, as always.

bev! boosted

Every day I open facebook marketplace and it shows me the horrible dog car

watching wade dankpods' video "big companies make the worst junk" which is him talking about like, cheap MP3 players that brands just slap their name on it

sometimes he finds out these have been used, with someone's music on them

if I was wade dankpods I'd literally copy all the music over because hey, free* music

bev! boosted

Took me a while to realize, but VRChat is cool even if you don't have a VR headset

Need to hangout with some friends more

earlier I was thinking about this being on a shirt

like one of those Big Dogs kind of shirts where they use various fonts on the text and a cool dog is on it for some reason it

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New on Patreon: A small little rambling about finding alternate versions of songs in the era of Spotify and how it leads to The Version Everybody Knows.

Just $1 (cheaper than most streaming services!) to see it early:

bev! boosted

some angry gamer saw my blog post about Celeste, decided to go through all the hoops to post a comment where they hurled slurs at me

it's sad, but amusing since I can just delete the comment, thus wasting his time completely

(gangster voice) this is a test of the emergency broadchasing system

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!