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I need to learn not to stress over holiday cooking because for an hour I tried to figure out which to start first: the turkey or the stuffing.

I'm incredibly inept at cooking things unless they come in frozen boxes or cans. @_@

It's like 1AM and I just got out of bed to look at dumb social media stuff when it's quiet.

I'm a well-adjusted person. :D

Probably lukewarm take: Never really cared for SilvaGunner.

There's some funny stuff there, but it's based way too much on meme/internet edgelord crap from what I've seen.

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The best thing I ever saw that involved this song was someone mashing (part of) it up with Justice's Safe and Sound.

And maybe the SilvaGunner Sonic Mania mixes _I guess_.

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Had a dream where I was hanging out with people and one of them was giving me a lecture on why I was being unintentionally creepy to them.

Made me feel bad when I woke up. I want to make sure that never happens. :/

The entertaining thing to me is since I'm a poor bastard who doesn't buy very many new video games, I've been helping anti-capitalism by not buying the hot new stuff with shitty business practices.

New(ish) on the Secret Area: Rock Band is 10 years old, so let's look at one of the features they were particularly proud of: The Big Rock Ending.

(Likes and shares appreciated!)

On my travels today, I saw a squirrel take a slice of bread.

Hope that squirrel's having a good time.

possibly dysphoria? 

So I'm on the bus and saw a woman get on with such a simple outfit yet my brain went "gosh I want that outfit"

Stop that, brain.


for the record, I'm okay. just was a little out of it when it happened.

I took some more of it a moment ago. At the recommended dosage.

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So a few days ago I took some cough syrup w/ hydrocodone.

Daily recommended is 2.5ml to 5ml.

The cups given with the prescription go to 30ml. Stupid me filled it to 25ml when I thought that was 2.5.

Stupid me ODed on cough syrup. Thankfully nothing *serious* happened, but jesus that's a scary thought now that I think about it.

love four discord to forget what things I've read and mark *every channel* in *every server* as unread for no reason.

Good job.


Had a dream earlier where I was trying to do something and my dad was oddly nitpicking everything I did.

I don't know why my brain while suffering from a cold thought it was a good idea to manifest something in my dreams like that right this moment, but good job.

Not gonna lie, I feel like hot garbage compared to yesterday.

Having that sense of failure in terms of helping out others.

Doesn't help that I think I'm still a little sick.

Okay, I think 4PM is a good time to be awake proper, right?

drugs, queasiness 

several hours later, even after I ate, I'm still not feeling well in my stomach.


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drugs, queasiness 

Took a bit of cough syrup w/ hydrocodone a few hours ago.

There was a moment where I was spaced out and focused, but now I'm coming down from it.

My stomach's feeling a bit off because I took it without eating something substantial.

Trying to survive the queasy feeling and resisting the urge to vomit. urgh.

bev! boosted

Full-blown Nazi propaganda pop group Ace of Base 

"The Sign" is being added to Rock Band this week, so here's a reminder that Ace of Base was, is, and always has been a Nazi band, and every last work they've created deserves to be left in the past:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!