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I went to three thrift stores and all I got out of it was a PlayStation football game and a Sting album.

Mildly bummed, really.

Hearing @squirrel talk about flash animations reminded me of the time I knew someone from a community making bad flash animation parodies.

I once voiced a bad Harry Potter impression.

I still have never watched said animation.

I've been hearing about the big bap lately and I'm all for it.

I always feel bad when I kinda go silent on social media.

Mainly because I end up chatting on IRC and Discord more. A lot easier for me, for some reason.

bev! boosted

gaming memories: TrackMania

(yes, those are MY tracks from many years ago, back when I had other people to play with and thus actual drive to build and play)

I wonder which silly anime character best resembles me.

(This is difficult to determine as my personality isn't clear-cut, and the last time I took of a selfie was like months ago.)

bev! boosted

dammit I slept too much again, need to stop that

Blargh, feels like my creative well's run dry.

And I haven't written anything in a month.

This sucks.

hey folks

did you know


that you should hug your fuzzy friends??

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

sometimes, I think we should all be at soup.


I took an hour nap and feel slightly better.

I think it's because I don't have many people to talk to at this hour about stuff and junk that I feel like crap, because it's partially loneliness.

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it's late.

there's not a lot of people on at 3AM.

I should probably go back to bed so I can feel better.

also hi hello my character is a cute squirrel that I should get drawn more.

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Facebook decided to remind me that I posted about getting my wisdom teeth removed a few years ago.

I ended up making a subtle hint of "hey my fursona is a squirrel" by saying I had puffy cheeks.

I usually don't mention my fursona because it's just *there* but I found it amusing.

bev! boosted

I take it email services don't factor in whether the sender's address has sent to my email previously and just throws out stuff that remotely looks like a spam email without thinking about it.

I can't believe that I have to tell it "hey this thing for a contest isn't spam" when I swear it should be friggin' obvious.

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Spam algorithms are garbage.

A newsletter I've been following for weeks, as well as a confirmation that I entered an event were sent right to the spam folder.

Since Thunderbird doesn't download spam, I had to actually go straight to Outlook and tell it "Hey this newsletter I've been subscribed to FOR GODDAMN WEEKS is not spam, you fucking moron."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!