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Read an article a high school friend shared about some jerkass who tried to sell medicine to "cure" autism.

Bonus: He was an anti-vaxxer!

That legit made me angry.

So 2018 is The Year of Luigi's Dick, isn't it

I suddenly have like two blog post ideas.

One would be a cool Doom mod I played that is an homage/remake to a really lame 1994 FPS.

The other was explaining how Sonic CD's gameplay differences make it stand out as a good game as well as subverting the trope of what people think Sonic is.

Now to get these thoughts written so I can go somewhere with these...

I need to tell my brain that 2PM is not the time I should be in bed sleeping.

so when's cake day

because cake is better than pie

bev! boosted
bev! boosted

Woke up from a nap thanks to acid reflux.

Wonderful. great. gross.

bev! boosted

Feeling tired after yesterday where I went and had spicy hot wings with family.

I could only eat like three wings there, I took the rest to-go and it still took me hours to finish.

insert video of archer going "CAUSE THAT'S HOW YOU GET ANTS" here

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Damn it, it's ants season again.

Had to throw away a box of donuts cause I bit into a donut and tasted ant. Blech.

Realizing we were out of soda, we stop at a nearby grocery store and buy things we need.

Like potato chips. And brownie bites. And mini cinnamon rolls.

You know, the essentials. :blobwink:

I think I need to make more quality content™️ on this.

Or at least not look like I'm constantly sleeping all the time

didn't watch the nintendo direct but I heard there's an octoling campaign in splatoon 2 and that made me happy because octolings are better than squids.

current mood: battery with less than 25% remaining.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!