aatheus boosted

Dear tech sites. Don't fucking call it a "Raspberry Pi rival" if they're not working to introduce programming and electronics back into the national curriculum.

Friends! Romans! Countrymen! I will be selling my mom's hand-made fused glass jewelry at the Seconds Sale this weekend! Cabrillo College, 10a-2p.

Come say hello and buy some stuff!

aatheus boosted

RT @deltaryz@twitter.com

Doing a little experiment.

Retweet this if you identify as male, and you’re perfectly okay with using strongly feminine-gendered bathroom products (shampoo), even if it’s pink and sparkly

It may not be your first choice but you’d use it without complaints if it’s what you had

🐦🔗: twitter.com/deltaryz/status/11

Nissan delays release of longer-range 2019 LEAF due to arrest of Carlos Ghosn, now former CEO

@vertigo True. But mini-splits provide for finer control of climate at the room level. The insulation would be a better route.

@vertigo If you owned, I would suggest a ductless mini-split and additional insulation.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!