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I have a bad memory for faces, and a worse memory for names. Please don't ever be shy about coming up and saying hello if I don't seem to notice you.

I may ask you your name again. It's not you, it's me.

Ah, the uncertainty after changing your direct deposit arrangements. Which account will get my payroll tonight?

@ShadowDWolf Any interest joining me for my birthday dinner? Taurinus, 10/20 at 7

Enlarge/Shrink LVMs non-destructively in Linux. Guess what I had to do @ work today!

Anyone taken their fursuit with them on a cruise? If so, what was your experience? Both from your perspective and with your fellow passengers?

aatheus boosted

I discovered that there is a very important difference between 'sgdisk -R /dev/sda /dev/sdb' and 'sgdisk /dev/sda -R /dev/sdb'

the latter replicates the GPT disk layout from one disk to another. ideal for rebuilding a software RAID 1 array.

the former creates a blank GPT layout on the non-failed disk, thus destroying the array. less than ideal for rebuilding a software RAID 1 array.

So yeah. There is no confirmation or error checking. thank goodness for backups.

@lee4hmz 2.2.8! That's some old code. Current version is 11.2. Pre-486 machine?

aatheus boosted

You can put pineapple on your pizza.
You can not put pineapple on your pizza.
I really don't care. It's your pizza, not mine.
HOWEVER if you demand that *no one* puts pineapple on their pizza I'm going to assume you're a f*ckin' douchebag.

aatheus boosted

Petrichor, that fresh aroma you can smell after the rain, is caused by a little molecule called geosmin. The name literally means "earth smell." It's produced by soil bacteria and gives an earthy flavour to beets.

Humans are extremely sensitive to this scent – much, much more sensitive than sharks are to blood. Some think we evolved that way to find fresh drinking water after droughts.

That uneasy period between when you adjust your W-4 withholding and you actually knowing what your next paycheck is going to be.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!