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Computer Fairies moderation has been suspended from Computer Fairies following an incident where one of their (then) moderators harassed another instance admin and later denying such claims against the evidence presented.

Computer Fairies does not tolerate any sort of harassment, especially not from those who are supposed to uphold a healthy community, much less towards owners of other instances, who already have a lot of work to deal with themselves.

Computer Fairies maintenance 

Computer Fairies should be running smoothly now on 1.6.0 with push notifications working. If you find any issues, please contact us!

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Computer Fairies maintenance 

Computer Fairies' services will be restarting again for maintenance, sorry for the inconvenience. Expect another downtime.

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Computer Fairies upgrade 

Computer Fairies has been upgraded to 1.6.0. Please refresh your pages to use the newest version.

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Computer Fairies upgrade 

We are restarting servers to upgrade to 1.6.0. Expect a 5-15 minute downtime.

Attention Computer Fairies users:

Welcome @noelle as a fairy moderator! She is in charge of inter-user disputes, as well as our domain blocklist and handling reports.

Computer Fairies upgrade 

Computer Fairies has been upgraded to 1.5.1. Please refresh your pages to use the newest version.

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Computer Fairies upgrade 

Computer Fairies is restarting for the new 1.5.1 upgrade. Expect a 15 minute downtime as services restart.

Computer Fairies upgrade 

And we are back on 1.4.7! Please refresh your pages and log back in to use the new and improved systems.

Thank you for flying Computer Fairies!

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Computer Fairies upgrade 

The upgrade is complete, we will not have a brief downtime as the services restart.

See you on the other side!

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Computer Fairies upgrade 

We are now in the process of upgrading Computer Fairies to 1.4.7, after assets are done precompiling the server will briefly restart, so hang tight!

Computer Fairies moderation 

Upon a request from their administration and discussion on the matter, has been removed from our block list.

Computer Fairies moderation 

After discussing the matter with the moderation, the issue in question has been taken care of for now and we hold them in good faith that such incidents will not be repeated.

With that said, is now off of our domain blocks.

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Computer Fairies moderation 

Due to several aggressive messages with no action taken against them by the instance's moderation team, is now silenced.

We remind that any and all domain blocks are open for discussion and that the admin can be reached at the business email available in the site information.

@ordnung hi, could you look into your user 'doesitmatter1' please? they're harassing people in other instances. Thank you.

Computer Fairies is going down momentarily as we upgrade to 1.4.6. Hang tight!

If your instance has been silenced or suspended from and you need to reach the admin, please remember an instance's business contact is always listed in the /about/more page of that instance.

For, that is faye(at)

Computer Fairies moderation has been added to the blocked instances due to personal harassment from their server admin.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!