werewolf tf, illustrated nudity
Here is a #transformation sequence by @Visceraaa@twitter.com of me turning into a #werewolf. She purposely made the final stage look like it was illuminated by the flashlights of unlucky soon-to-be prey. Fantastic horror vibes, and absolute creature and gender euphoria.
This is a low-res watermarked version because it's technically still behind a supporter paywall
fitness, selfie
My final long run is complete! I spent six hours today trying not to get destroyed by the Arizona sun at Saguaro Park East. My goal was to stay at my race pace, which I accomplished. I made it to marathon distance. A 50K was within reach, and I was on pace to get a 75 minute PR for the distance, but it would have been greedy and unwise. I’m proud of how I’ve trained for this upcoming race, and I’m ready to enjoy two weeks of taper! #trailrunning #ultratraining
werewolf thoughts, transformation, identity
Incredibly gratified/euphoric to see that @asgromo, when deciding to visualize me in my ideal form, gets one of the core aspects correct without any input from me at all.
Our hands are the parts of ourselves we see the most. We interact with the world using our hands. They have a character that is unique to us. To watch them transform before our eyes is a fundamental signifier of “I am becoming something else”
Spend less time fussing over “silly fools” and mediate on this: “Millie’s cool” @Atatra
@Rachel_Thorn I worry about this a little, even having been out for nearly a decade, but increasingly I am succeeding in reminding myself that I am not responsible for anyone else’s reaction to me, so long as I am chill, friendly, and my genuine self.
People are saying “hey back atcha” but more and more they should be saying “pay mavica” @mavica_again
doom meets barney, floppy disk (mid 90s) https://reddit.com/r/retrogaming/comments/efn6o6/found_this_in_my_parents_closet/
@SingingNala I can’t explain why, but I feel more eager to write useful, detailed alt descriptions on Mastodon. When I cross-post, I post here first, then copy-paste all text (including image alts) into Twitter. Users on both platforms deserve alt text, but on Twitter the whole process feels like an afterthought, I guess.
@edstink @moviemorgz@laserdisc.party babies can’t appreciate fuckin ANYthing until they’re older. 22 at the earliest, more like 25. I’m 41 and only just developed object permanence!
@rstevens i’m flabbergasted and delighted that Turkish delight won (correctly, imo)
Ultrarunner, trans woman, autistic, lycanthrope.