Selfie, fitness
How it started / how it ended.
60K in 10:03:53 while repping #transrights. And that’s my first #BlackCanyon60k
re: lewd dumb railway joke
@selectric pull my air brake release valve on the
description of minor injury, blood
I got lucky! I took a banged-up knee and shin instead of a full fall or wrecked ankle. No damage to the joint, and no swelling. I walked it off for a minute, and it stopped bleeding shortly after. I washed it off in Black Canyon Creek and people stopped even noticing it. I hope I get a little scar from it. I like the idea of my body accumulating a patina from the things I'm doing with it, now that we're friends.
celebratory "it doesn't hurt to get dressed" selfie
The bandage on my knee is from the one noteworthy injury I sustained: I stumbled over one of the 75 million loose rocks on the trail between Bumble Bee Ranch and Gloriana Mine, and it was either "maybe sprain my ankle, ending my race" or "take it on the knee & hope for the best".
@mavica_again @jake I’ve heard really good things about Minish Cap! I’m still on my BotW journey but that’s next on my list
Canadians and Permanent Residents: I'm going to share this parliamentary petition started in my community. Please consider signing. The call is for the Government of Canada to extend rights to seek asylum to transgender persons affected by eliminationist laws and targetting in their own countries.
Started by @oldladyplays and the MP sponsoring is Mike Morrice.
@mavica_again you gotta check your shoes for scorpions and spiders every now and then
Selfie, fitness
How it started / how it ended.
60K in 10:03:53 while repping #transrights. And that’s my first #BlackCanyon60k
@mavica_again pog
@mavica_again ooooH THIS portends!!
@TuaoloTheJag that voice! Those eyes!
Ultrarunner, trans woman, autistic, lycanthrope.