@dj_chicken_trouble 'my client is not little, she is not sick, and she did not kill anybody' @aquinton
imo you should commission @mavica_again for a portrait maple.pet/commission
it''s drawn me twice in different styles and i am still shaken by what a good likeness it captured with so few colours and pixels
hey i got commissions open right here get yourself a cool portrait and help me not be too poor to treat myself https://maple.pet/commissions
My short story "They Say Don't Get Clocked" is temporarily available for free (https://argylewerewolf.itch.io/dont-get-clocked) because a wise friend said that an anxiety-laden #trans allegory #bodyhorror revenge tale involving a #werewolf #transformation is something #Hugo voters might like.
The Hugo nomination period is now open so check it out, and if you're able, please consider nominating it in the Short Story category! (Hugo site is real slow, sorry https://en.chengduworldcon.com/hugo-awards/#/index)
Apple HyperCard (1987) with Computer Chronicles clip featuring the creator, Bill Atkinson from Apple
Wikipedia -
HyperCard is a software application and development kit for Apple Macintosh and Apple IIGS computers. It is among the first successful hypermedia systems predating the World Wide Web. HyperCard combines a flat-file database with a graphical, flexible, user-modifiable interface.
@mavica_again silicon sheik
@mavica_again holy fuck
The money we've gotten so far has been a huge help, and i'm really grateful, but we're still less than halfway towards our goal, and costs aren't getting any lower, as well as the cost of living here getting worse, anything else you can spare helps, and all boosts are welcome, we need the help to try and stabilize our lives and be happy https://gofund.me/580dbcb4
@mavica_again uncapped upload bandwidth, disabled Speed Limit mode, let's go
Images, nonhuman/feral characters, transformation
#drawings today, weretiger transformation and a horse; another horse and a couple of wolves. Also I was listening to Infected Mushroom again.
@jsonbecker yep! They were exquisite
@wifewolf aaah no sorry, no plans to be at any cons for the foreseeable future! But I would absolutely love to enjoy your cooking someday!
I was a gentle creature last night, but if anyone saw the way I just consumed eight of these spicy dill chicken nuggs, they’d del Toro Wolfman me
@edstink ❤️
Ultrarunner, trans woman, autistic, lycanthrope.