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My two personal aesthetic goals this year are

1) get better at makeup, particularly eyes and contouring.

2) get two tattoos.

I answered 8 questions about my trans werewolf horror story "They Say Don't Get Clocked" as part of a thesis study by Miranda Lascelles.

She asks werewolf fiction writers "what aspects of humanity does Lycanthropy symbolize" in media and their work. I had a lot to say!

Pictured: me, having normal feelings about desiring to possess 390 pounds of bite force

positive in-person discussion with a potential transphobe 

The conversation began on the subject of diets and body-shaming. She is on the low FODMAP diet (same as my wife) for IBS and other GI issues and said she went from “chubby” to what she feels is sickly thin, and in both body types, people made hurtful comments that presumed to know how SHE felt about herself. She has had body image issues her whole life, and seemed very affected by my description of dysphoria as a pervasive discomfort.

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positive in-person discussion with a potential transphobe 

Yesterday I attended the final parking lot BBQ of the season here in snowbird villa. I spent 35 minutes talking with a lady who said she’d never met a trans person before me, and who is clearly a republican. I told her what it was like for me, how I “knew”, what HRT does, and what it’s like living with dysphoria. She went from being polite with “you’re just pretending” vibes to “oh my god, that makes sense, I had no idea what it was like!”

*rips bong* the laws banning gender affirming care can be applied against men who buy the cybertruck

Tech conferences in 2024, probably:

“We held our con and in a state that bans women’s emergency health care and where being transgender in public is basically criminalized - but they have cheap margaritas and a nice pool there, and Snuffy the organizer likes to golf there.

On a completely unrelated note, you can’t call us out for having all straight white men speakers, because for some reason they’re just the only ones who apply to our CFP. We guess minorities just don’t really want to be in tech 🤷🏼‍♂️”

H/t @hexadecim8

mutual aid request, boosts appreciated 

I guess I need to do this. The math works out that for the next few years I'm simply not making enough money and I'm already dangerously close to burning out so hard I may not be able to keep my job. I'm holding on for now but I need help, plain and simple.

It started as a quick email about why I wasn't going to write something about New College.

An older picture (2003) from the Critter Costuming photo shoot. I was still using Silvermane's old hands and feet from the haunt.

#WerewolfWednesday #Fursuit

This place still isn’t complete without Misty View aka Cheatlines

imo you should wish @mavica_again a happy birthday as it leaves behind a year plagued with hardships and enters a year that promises to be filled with some seriously rad shit. it is long overdue for an upward trend in its circumstances, and some birthday wishes and positive interactions are a nice way to help that along.

Selfie, fitness 

How it started / how it ended.

60K in 10:03:53 while repping . And that’s my first

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Trans People Who Handle Their Bodies like a Dog Handles Its Favourite Chewtoy

description of minor injury, blood 

I got lucky! I took a banged-up knee and shin instead of a full fall or wrecked ankle. No damage to the joint, and no swelling. I walked it off for a minute, and it stopped bleeding shortly after. I washed it off in Black Canyon Creek and people stopped even noticing it. I hope I get a little scar from it. I like the idea of my body accumulating a patina from the things I'm doing with it, now that we're friends.

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celebratory "it doesn't hurt to get dressed" selfie 

The bandage on my knee is from the one noteworthy injury I sustained: I stumbled over one of the 75 million loose rocks on the trail between Bumble Bee Ranch and Gloriana Mine, and it was either "maybe sprain my ankle, ending my race" or "take it on the knee & hope for the best".

lewd dumb railway joke 

I alway feel bad for the freight cars that have been stencilled with "DO NOT HUMP"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!