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All trans indie comics fall on a spectrum between "i'm a rat who lives in trash and my HRT is crystalized piss i get from my SW ex who's a horse & i LIKE it that way" and "What if I lived above the coffee shop where I work, and there was a little ghost in my teacup who told me to explore my gender?"

The Hypercritical t-shirt sale ends on Saturday, August 12th. I want to make sure everyone who wants a shirt has a chance to buy one. Please tell your nerdy friends who may have missed my earlier posts. Remember, these shirts are only sold every five years!

🚫 people who permanently deplete their curiosity and introspection while realizing they're trans, and make their self-righteousness and certainty their whole personality

✅ people who do the hard work of realizing they're trans and then wonder "what else is possible that I never considered before?"

"trans girls don't get into computers because they think they're cool they do it to run away from their dysphoria. if you think computers are cool you haven't used them for very long" oh wow what an enriching little world-weary observation. why don't you start a fuckin substack about it

this is my experience. i'm better than you because i {lived longer/had more jobs/earned more money/insert lame excuse here}. therefore i know this to be everyone's experience. don't just validate my trauma, take it on as your own, or you're a bad ally. - the mastodon mantra

some people speak like online isn't "IRL" and i feel sorry for them but we live here and don't really need their attitude in the community

you know when you've sprained your ankle badly and you take a week off to let it heal and it stops hurting but you know you can't fully trust it because it's not actually healed yet? that's me and my brain

It can’t be good for my psyche to identify so completely with a type of character who is consistently framed as a gruesome, pitiable tragedy

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I saw Mazey Day last night. She was so beautiful. I’m still sad about it this morning.

@alexcox I watched Mazey Day and I have a lot to say, about pecan pie, wasted opportunities, and goats. I’d be happy to discuss on or off the air. Lemme know!

Transitioning saved me from a lot of bad things, but worst of all was the threat of living the rest of my life as a guy who wanted to make a web comic about web developers and call it "View Source"

you can now tag @iconolog with a simple term query and get a best-match result for it

it very likely won't be a great match, but now you can get icons whenever you want

RIP Don Lancaster, author of The Cheap Video Cookbook and Son Of Cheap Video, among other early hobbyist microcomputer projects.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!