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exciting new #webgbcam 4.1 release!

you can now control a sharpness filter that is based on the filtering from the real Game Boy Camera hardware!

New on the Secret Area: It's Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit.

A story of "how the hell did I get this game?" had me finding a perfectly average action-platformer.

Likes, shares and comments appreciated, as always.


Today while I was out running an errand, I saw a femme person whose shape, comportment, and wardrobe were all exactly what I wish I could be/have/wear as a human. That she was 20 years younger than me and also did not have her skeleton warped by The Wrong Puberty did occur to me, but not before I felt a wave of envy and self-loathing as sharp and disfiguring as a scalpel.

FFMPEG is so great… whatever it is you need to do with a video file, all you have to do is type "ffmpeg [thing i need to do] into Google", copy-paste your first result, and then it doesn't fucking work

A friend received this art of their cat (commission done by flowerprincedraws) as a birthday gift

no one has ever surpassed the animated netscape logo's ability to make the internet feel majestic and awe inspiring

Being a trans person means suddenly having to be an expert on endocrinology, fetal development, genetics, psychology, anthropology, civil rights law, and now the history of genocide, just to explain, justify, and advocate for our existence and experiences.


I'm not especially maternal but somehow this year it bothers me that i will never be the recipient of a Mother's Day card or well-wish.

I'm not sure how many people on here if any listen to the Anime Sickos podcast - a podcast about the four pillars of modern misery, anime, gaming, posting and jobs - but the latest episode is about twitter after it's total capture by evil freaks and it gets really into the like - absolute anti-life joy that all of these people take in the destruction of everything good about being alive

one other transphobia thing with trans athletes 

trans athletes are such a clearly attractive way to get someone to subscribe to transphobic politics because it has that perfect amount of liberal faux-nuance where it FEELS like an uncomfortable truth but requires very little thinking. if you actually learn *why* it's not unfair, it asks critical thought while taking away your ability to feel proud of the (non)critical thought

it's so right down the alley of a liberal

I'm open for commission and wanted to see how well it works on Mastodon! If you have a friend who is looking for work and needs the support, go to them first but I want to see if I can get work like I used to on Twitter. Will draw most requests but need to agree to it first.

I do all payment through PayPal (it sucks but also the only reliable method I've found for online work) and going with $20 for an avatar, $30 for linework and $45 for full color illustrations. Message me if interested!


Some days the shape of my body is so wrong that even the weight of the room’s air is like an unwanted touch. Yes body I know everything’s incorrect but we need to get shit done today. So swallow it down

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!