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People who see AR headsets as useless or just another channel for work to enter their life seem like people who never had a problem with their body they couldn’t fix with rest, diet, or exercise. And if work is emailing you at 8pm, establish and maintain your fucking boundaries.

I love Kevin Lynch and I will protect him with my life

I *also* love to catch a glimpse of my favourite photos throughout the day

Please please please just fix the fuckin macOS Notifications bugs

Cool tip for queer people this month: “if someone doesn’t think you’re a person, you don’t have to be nice to them”

1/2 Open Letter from Stack Exchange moderators: They’re going on moderation strike due to being forbidden from stemming the flow of LLM spam:

The Dalewood Disaster has concluded. 43km in 30°C heat in 7:38. 4 loops, 4 15-minute stops at the Water Works splash pad to cool down and recover. My nutrition and hydration were dialled in, my gear was right, and the slow pace got Kelly and I through the heat. Incredibly stupid, incredibly fun.

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i'm planning a long run with a friend tomorrow. our goal time is 5 or 6 hours. the proposed route is intentionally hot, boring, and difficult. we're calling it "The Dalewood Disaster". my secondary goal is 42km or more. my main goal is to not barf. i'm excited

first night of the full moon. i need SOMETHING to focus on to deal with this fuckin energy. piledriving myself into a food-coma-induced early bedtime seems wise

It’s swimmin’ season, but Big Kevin Alive still presides over all

The longing is here. The pull to align my form with a grid that I can see and feel but never reach. My muscles quiver and ache for an effort they crave to endure. My tongue glides over the edges of maddeningly dull teeth. I can feel it all in every cell and see it if I close my eyes. Go back to sleep Angela. Maybe this time when you awaken it will be true

It’s not entirely jealousy. It’s more that the experiences, values, and challenges being discussed are from frames of reference so unlike my own that I could more easily relate to digital noise. Yet my engagement and investment are presumed because I’m “part of the community”.

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exciting new 4.1 release!

you can now control a sharpness filter that is based on the filtering from the real Game Boy Camera hardware!

10 months out of the year, the thing that annoys me the most about being queer is seeing self-deprecating posts from tall shapely dark-haired trans women with perfect bone structure who fuck a lot and have book deals. The other two months, it’s posts about Pride

Zelda, mournfully: “Witness the blood moon's rise. When its red glow shines upon the land... the aimless spirits of slain monsters return to flesh.”

Me, clawing my way out of a swirling red vortex of smoke: “cool”

imo a monster should bite me really hard in a non-vital area

practicing radical self-care by unfollowing nice but annoying people on multiple platforms. "if it sucks, hit da bricks”

werewolf transformation body horror (+) 

My wife surprised me with belated birthday art: a sequence we joked about in February that I forgot about until she sent me these at 4am. Here's me as a powerful 1986 business executive whose fantasy mobile phone failed to remind her about the imminent full moon.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!