New av made by a cute generator. I'm not a fan of circle avatars, so I post-edited mine. (redraft, now with 100% more picture)
Good to know I'm not imagining the unusually huge temperature swing, & maybe good to know I've got at least another 3 days of it I have to endure. I'm about halfway between those dots at the bottom that say "Datil" and "Socorro." ❄️
uspol, alerts
What I'm most impressed about, positively or negatively, is that the presidential alert test actually worked even half as well as it did. Last time they tried a national test that involved actually notifying the the public, it failed miserably.
Trump's taking the blame/credit, but he did nothing.
It's hard to tell from the label. The icky label is the Startup (boot) disk, & the good label is the Operating disk. The mylar of the Operating disk is just as damaged. It does explain why it wouldn't boot in my XT.
You'd think that a boxed set of disks still in shrinkwrap would be best protected from damage. Nope. this is the underside of a DOS 3.3 boot disk that sat unused & protected in a tyvek sleeve, in a special pocket, in a 3-ring binder, in a box, under shrinkwrap for 31 years. Look at the mylar disc visible through the oval access hole.
Retr0brite gone very wrong, a damaged Mac Plus
Be careful what you test your new Retr0brite techniques on, folks. This is the main case of a Macintosh Plus 1Mb, signed by Steve Jobs among others on the inside, and shows what happens when you guess wrong on something pretty valuable.
(This eBay listing sold, but I'm not the buyer.)
Well, that's a new one... I left it alone for a while, then when I went back, it was doing this weird coloring thing. I started a game then took a photo:
I should look at the RF modulator in the nicer-looking one next.
But for the desperately modded one... Woohoo!
kigu TF
Okay, I think I just found the kind of pajamas I want for xmas. Does anyone know who sells these?
✨ Kind 'Net Help Desk fairy by day. ✨
✨ Weird & furry Unix fairy by night. ✨
✨ Sometimes a retrocomputer fairy. ✨
✨ Pays the bills. ✨
✨ Sparkly✨shellscript✨princess. ✨
✨ Age: Mere days younger than ✨
✨ the Intel 4004 & Unix 1st Edition. ✨
✨ Follow requests welcome. ✨