It's been so long since I drew anything on paper, & I'm way late. #inktober day 1: ring. My av in feline form has bells on the end of her tail, & I never showed any detail of how the band (ring) holds them on.
This is my home desktop, where I just finished making a much simpler signpost-like desktop icon theme, and I'm going to start my write-up with this.
Remember the lobster from the GEOS demo? It apparently has a hidden history, only a part of which was ever revealed: "[...] been multiplying so fast we've had to build new corrals and feeding troughs just to keep up with our stock. We can't even ship them off to makret fast enough before they've gone and created more of [...]"
This ✨ sparkly shellscript princess ✨ spent her weekend writing a shellscript to convert numbers from one base to an intermediate representation to another base. The result is the most uselessly useful shellscript I've written in a *very* long time, a script to convert a conventional date into a Rickdate string:
Pictured: my sense of accomplishment.
I have finally, actually finished a project I started: my static website generator! Of course, immediately after I uploaded the package, I spotted typos & grammatical errors, & I had to pack up & upload a revision. if you want to check out the tarball & my samples, or if you want to check out just the tarball.
box(){ t="$1xxxx";l="";c=${2:-=};i=${#t};until [ $i = 0 ]; do l="$l$c";i=$((i-1));done;printf "$l\n$c $1 $c\n$l\n"; }
# A slightly longer but more portable (& BSD-friendly) version of the bash box function in
Another game I've been wanting to play since the '90s is a Game Boy game called "Catrap," a puzzle platformer. It was released in Japan as "Pitman," but c'mon, "Catrap" is a cooler name.
As little-known as the game is, I'm surprised it actually has fan art:
I'm playing it as Catgirl instead of Catboy because of course I am. :3
retro handheld game (cw for just a bit big)
I took the Arcade Classics Centipede box apart enough to see what's inside it. It looks like a nintendo-on-chip board with all the interface pads directly soldered to everything else.
I couldn't lift the plastic display bracket out without risking breaking the plastic frame, & I probably broke one of the frame's plastic screw threads putting it back together.
An RPi would be a tight fit, unless it's a 0 or 0W.
retro handheld games (-?)
Those "Arcade Classics" mini retro games (about 6" or 15cm) in the toy aisles? I should've known I wouldn't get an authentic arcade-version experience from any of them when I saw the Pac-Man one: fixed-position LED style.
I got Centipede, & all I know is it's almost but definitely *not* the arcade version. (Maybe it's the Atari 7800 version? I only had the 2600.) Yay for retro games being the in thing, but I still feel cheated.
Another review:
✨ Kind 'Net Help Desk fairy by day. ✨
✨ Weird & furry Unix fairy by night. ✨
✨ Sometimes a retrocomputer fairy. ✨
✨ Pays the bills. ✨
✨ Sparkly✨shellscript✨princess. ✨
✨ Age: Mere days younger than ✨
✨ the Intel 4004 & Unix 1st Edition. ✨
✨ Follow requests welcome. ✨