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Anyone who knows rare add-ons for , can you point me to the manual for this? It's a Mountain Computer part number 05-04031-02 that came in a HDD-less IBM 5160 (PC-XT) I rescued. I can't tell if it's an MFM, RLL, or ESDI controller or what the jumpers do.

The computer arrived with this drive's door shut. How did they even get that far in there?

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I shouldn't be shopping for vintage computers, especially at this hour, but someone is definitely as much of a geek as I am. They're selling a TI-99/4A for $99.4A:

It took three times of allowing the Firefox installer, all via hidden options, before Microsoft actually allowed the installer to run.

This ain't no fly-by-night, Microsoft!

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Microsoft, I know you're trying to shake your reputation as malware-friendly, but doing this when downloading a popular Web browser is over the Edge.

I spent the morning throwing a whole bunch of wrenches in the works. (No one wrote how many icons a icon table can have, so I trialed and lots of errored it. The answer is 31 icons.)

Nothing gives me that Layer 1 energy like a can of fresh roasted RJ-45 connectors!

My home Internet connection is so bad, it took 584 and a half billion years just to update Debian's repo. :V

I feel like none of you would believe me if I didn't show you.

The Windows 11 OOBE hocks Microsoft 365 trialware to a captive audience. It's "free," but you have to cough up a credit card and $100+tax/year if you fall for it.

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At the time, time was not the Unix time we know today. It was 60ths of a second since 1971-01-01, just 307 days prior, and which would roll over 521 days later, about 1973-04-08.

The epoch had been reset at least once before, given its origin in 1969, and it would be reset and still use 60ths at least once more before it was finally reset to 1970 and standardized to the whole-seconds we know today.

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Okay, I'm impressed with the level of care HP put into its instructions, paltry as they are. It came with a wireless keyboard/mouse combo, and this is what they did for the dongle.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!