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I went looking for images to make an editor wars joke. Ed and V.I. are easy enough, but when I went looking for E. Max, I was assaulted with pages and pages of teeth and ceramic dentalwork. That really creeps me out.

@zorinlynx it's because the gov is restricting "us" (often explicitly "we the people") instead of "them" (implicitly not people), no matter the reason.

uspol, facial recognition, Santa Cruz, + 

"As officials mull steps to tackle police brutality and racism, California’s Santa Cruz has become the first U.S. city to ban predictive policing, which digital rights experts said could spark similar moves across the country.

“Understanding how predictive policing and facial recognition can be disproportionately biased against people of color, we officially banned the use of these technologies in the city of Santa Cruz,” Mayor Justin Cummings said on Wednesday."

birdsite, glinner (+) 

Today just got better. Twitter finally agreed that the transphobe Graham Linehan used their service for hateful conduct, and they booted him off.

:flag_transgender: Support trans people and stand up for trans rights, even if you're cis, and don't give transphobes the time of day. :flag_transgender:

Today, June 26, is the gayest day in US history.

2003-06-26 (17 years ago): Lawrence v. Texas, striking down no-gay-sex laws nationwide.

2013-06-26 (7 years ago): US v. Windsor, striking down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

2015-06-26 (5 years ago): Obergefell v. Hodges, legalizing gay marriage nationwide.

Happy LGBT+ pride month, folks!
And don't forget the "T" in there!
:flag_transgender: :flag_aromantic:

MLP: Pony Life 

And now I've seen the comments. Some like Pony Life, some don't, & some are confused, of course.

Also of course some hate it to the point of begging for a season 10 of FIM, without watching a single minute of it.

I'll tell ya what: If it weeds the more toxic bronies out of the MLP fandom, I'll judge it an even bigger hit.

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animorphs is available for free and ka applegate is a trans-supportive parent, so there's no excuse for letting your kids read harry potter

Zoom acquired Keybase today.

Keybase helped me to identify a trend in the software industry: using a pretty UI to cover up the disruption of an open ecosystem with a closed, centralized replacement. Keybase seemed cool on the face of it - making encryption easier is a laudible goal, and PGP certainly could use the improvement. But, thanks to Keybase, now I ask different questions upfront.

Beware the Keybase formula:

1. Integrates with an existing, open ecosystem
2. May have open-source clients, but server is closed source and does not federate
3. Pretty UI and good marketing
4. VC funded

trans people be like: nice gender we're having

MLP: Pony Life 

@JulieSqveakaroo It's the follow-on TV series to Frieldship Is Magic, starring the same VAs as the same characters. I think it's a filler series before Gen 5 is finalized.

MLP: Pony Life 

I actually like Pony Life so far, but I've always liked cute silliness, & I can see why most adult FIM fans won't.

But just remember: MLP exists first for Hasbro to sell gendered toys to children, & I have a feeling they'll succeed more with Pony Life than they did with Gen 3.5.

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MLP: Pony Life 

So I saw the first episodes of Pony Life today.

The episodes are short & silly, & the characters are as exaggerated in behavior & personality as they are in art style (with exceptions I won't spoil), almost if not full-on to flat parodies of their FIM selves.

I think...

cat levels are 82% and rising

(82%) ■■■■■■■■□□

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!