SpeedStor detected the controller but told me absolutely nothing about it. The other debug commands didn't work. But this one did:
"G=C800:6" printed the POST error code. Matches Scientific Micro Systems, OMTI, & Adaptec?
I still don't have any idea what basic kind of HDD to pair this mystery controller up with. #vintagecomputers & #vintagecomputing folks, any help is appreciated.
RT @dyke_du_jour@twitter.com
Thank you @selectric401@twitter.com for commissioning me for a CGA portrait, this one was super fun to do!
working past that mental block and working on some dither patterns oh yeah 💪😤
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/dyke_du_jour/status/1511113092456927236
@cr1901 Double-density 3.5-inch floppy disks. They differ physically from MF2HD floppies in that they don't have a notch opposite the write-protect notch.
I still want someone to make USB floppy drives that can read & write MF2DD floppies reliably AND USB floppy drives that can read & write DSDD & DSHD floppies in all the most common formats.
I still want someone to make new 3-1/2 (90mm) AND 5-1/4 (135mm) floppies, too!
What I tried so far:
> debug
-> G=C800:5
-> G=C800:800
-> G=C800:CCC
-> G=C800:5
-> G=C800:6
What I haven't tried yet:
> SpeedStor http://minuszerodegrees.net/software/speedstor.htm
> Other debug commands https://jeffpar.github.io/kbarchive/kb/060/Q60089/
There's no HDD attached. I have to figure out what the controller is & supports before sourcing a disk.
Anyone who knows rare add-ons for #vintagecomputers, can you point me to the manual for this? It's a Mountain Computer part number 05-04031-02 that came in a HDD-less IBM 5160 (PC-XT) I rescued. I can't tell if it's an MFM, RLL, or ESDI controller or what the jumpers do.
@cr1901 I already did try the Debug command, and it hung identically to commands for other controllers.
My problem is that I have to identify the controller type and jumper settings positively before I can source a hard drive to pair it with.
@cr1901 suggest away!
I have IBM DOS 2.1 for the PC-XT & IBM DOS 3.3 on disks the XT likes, but they don't have a setup program. The disks were installed before being shrink-wrapped.
The only other utilities I have are DEBUG & FDISK. None of the Debug commands worked, & FDisk simply says no HDD.
The Diagnostics disk from the XT's Guide to Operations recognizes that a controller is present & jumpered for a single HDD, but it doesn't say what the controller is or what kind it is.
But the only Mountain Computer manuals I can find are for their Apple II products. None for their IBM PC controller cards.
And I know it's a hard drive controller of some sort, because Mountain Computer sold it for the PC & XT (5150 & 5160) at the same time they sold hard drive kits for Apple IIs.
Omni Complete Catalog of Computer Hardware and Accessories 1984, pp. 242-243: https://archive.org/details/Omni_Complete_Catalog_of_Computer_Hardware_and_Accessories_1984_Omni_Publications/page/n249/mode/2up
It's similar to to this tape controller sandwich:
- https://www.ebay.com/itm/133011110665
- https://www.bonanza.com/listings/Mountain-tape-drive-interface-8-bit-isa-05-04031-01-rev-C/521212501
but not.
Anyone who knows rare add-ons for #vintagecomputers, can you point me to the manual for this? It's a Mountain Computer part number 05-04031-02 that came in a HDD-less IBM 5160 (PC-XT) I rescued. I can't tell if it's an MFM, RLL, or ESDI controller or what the jumpers do.
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