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In situations like these, I commend to your attention the Breaking News Consumer's Handbook.

Breaking news events are confusing and frightening. Early reports often include things that we later learn are wrong or not related. This guide intended to help you make sense of what you are reading and hearing.

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Why are you stressing about arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities in #curl ? You were just going to pipe the output to sh anyway. :ablobcatcoffee:

re: Eldritch data encoding standards 

Speaking of, since I saw this going around as well:

"EBCDIC is incompatible with GDPR" (Terence Eden’s Blog, 2021):

"Court of Appeal of Brussels - 2019/AR/1006" (GDPRhub, 2019):

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Eldritch data encoding standards 

How bad should I feel for having known for years that UTF-EBCDIC is a thing?

Computing horrors 

I've lived a long and content life, ignorant of this horrible fact: there exists a UTF-EBCDIC encoding. Blessed by the Unicode consortium even. The eldrich horrors of EBCDIC unleashed by the Old Ones, now rise again from their slumber into modern Unicode.

Make your saving throw against sanity...

current tpyo levels are 62%

(62%) ■■■■■■□□□□

The Japanese Supreme Court has declared that the legal requirement for transgender people to undergo surgery and be rendered incapable of reproduction is unconstitutional.

This is very big news.

And once again, we need to reassure you that you cannot ejaculate scorpions.

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Like, how do you even manage to do that! The search and sorting algorithms you'd have to write are either the polar opposite of simple and speedy, incorporate a RNG, or both, all three of which would earn an F in any CompSci class.

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Call me old fashioned, but I firmly believe that two searches of the same website for:

* the exact same search terms
* in the exact same order and
* with the exact same formatting

in the same session of the same browser tab, separated only by a few seconds of time, should not produce:

* different sets of results or
* sets of results sorted in different, apparently random orders.

@earthshine True, but I sleep better at night when the problems I fix are hardware fault replacements and software fault corrections, not "my own computer encouraged some random scammer I can't touch take me to the cleaners."

I haven't used or trusted Microsoft software for any serious work or entertainment since '02, and every year the list of reasons why gets longer.

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I thought the Windows "here, let me do something for you that you explicitly didn't want me to do, and oh BTW xbox controllers are on sale" thing was an exaggeration, but no!

The Windows 10 PC I keep exclusively for customer support just actually and literally advertised Xbox controllers on sale to me, unprompted, on startup, from the built-in unlisted app "Suggested."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!