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seems impossible to make a potato threatening but here we are

@NanoRaptor Suddently, the plane goes into a steep dive, and none of the controls work anymore. A single light flashes in the cockpit:

"Out of Cyan."

If the tag wears out, if you change your mind, or if you want to move the tag to a new drive, pull the free ends of the string and pull the tag back through the loop. It might be quicker than going to get your scissors.

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Got a bunch of USB thumbdrives, and you can't remember what's on them or what you got them for? 

Get a small box of string label tags from a stationery or office supply store. (Avery calls them "strung" label tags.) For each thumbdrive:

* thread the string loop knot through the keychain hole,

* thread the tag through the loop anywhere behind the knot,

* pull the label out to close the loop and knot at the thumbdrive, and

* write the thumbdrive's contents or purpose on the label.

im sure im not the first person to make this joke but it came to me in a dream so i was compelled

My most popular post is now a stupid throwaway computing pun using a random stock photo.

The only redeeming characteristic of that post is that I gave the photo a description so good you can see it in your mind even if the photo completely fails to load.

@arielmt Not often I have an excuse to show my uncropped pfp! This is a patch of 555s from a few years back

A message in the executable of the PC port of Trolls (1992):

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!