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For those of you who use LLMs to help you code, here's a warning: these tools have been shown to hallucinate packages in a way that allows an attacker to poison your application. #ai #gpt #chatgpt #security

TIL hard drives can fail while passing all SMART tests, even extended tests.

it should be illegal to name proprietary software "open[whatever]"

Not mine and found too far from its origin for me to know who to credit, but too good not to share

Things that are indistinguishable from magic:

- Technology that’s advanced enough
- Code that’s bad enough

I'm glad that LP vinyls made a comeback big enough for Walley World to sell them in their mini-marts, even though the general recommendation is, "get your first turntable from literally any other store."

But I'm disappointed audio cassettes haven't made as big a comeback. I'm suspecting a big reason for that is the glut of low-quality players & recorders with so much wow, flutter, & humming that the general recommendation says refurbished '80s gear is better than new '20s gear.

seems impossible to make a potato threatening but here we are

@NanoRaptor Suddently, the plane goes into a steep dive, and none of the controls work anymore. A single light flashes in the cockpit:

"Out of Cyan."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!