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Aw, crap, these are DSHD disks, and my PC's only drive is DSDD.

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We need more spaces for trans masc folks. We need them to feel welcome, and we need to support them, especially during their transition.

Even I admit I could be doing better. I keep trying to. I want to learn more about it, not just through medical documentation, but experiences of people who have gone/are going through it.

Call me out if you feel I'm ever being insensitive to something trans masc folks go through, please!

My sandwich of 5.25" MS-DOS floppy disks order came with a free side of 512 MB RAM stick because MS & eBay require all OEM software to be distributed with hardware. All it's missing is a bottle of Jolt.

I have a 1.6 GHz desktop computer made in 2017 that takes longer to pass POST than the 4.7 MHz desktop computer made in 1981 that it's a long-descended clone of. I don't know where we went wrong.

"It appears that Liu may have gotten hold of the hotel chain's data when a developer accidentally uploaded part of its database on GitHub."

LB: Langoliers, skill level, "That wasn't a nightmare, *this* is a nightmare!"

You get on a plane and fall asleep after takeoff, but when you wake up, everyone has mysteriously disappeared and you are the only person on board. No one is flying the plane.
#writingprompts #writing

Well, that's a new one... I left it alone for a while, then when I went back, it was doing this weird coloring thing. I started a game then took a photo:

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Tilted Goldeneye carts aside, computers generally don't like it when parts of the memory map suddenly go missing.

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I can see why the RAM pack is bolted on now. The case top standoffs look okayish, but the case bottom standoffs that are supposed to meet the motherboard & let the screws hold it on are completely missing, filed & sanded down to nothing. The motherboard is now so misaligned that the pack is actually suspended in the air, held on only by the edge connector & the weird support bracket. Any movement of the bracket makes an edge connector pin break contact.

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I should look at the RF modulator in the nicer-looking one next.

But for the desperately modded one... Woohoo!

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The trouble with trying to keep a desk organized is that everything suddenly grows legs and wanders off.

*whew* After inspection and testing, I can't find anything new wrong. The motherboard screws aren't original, and one of them just dug into the plastic standoff wrong.

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TFW you hear an unsettling *crunch* after you line up all the motherboard's mounting holes and start turning the first screw in.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!