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If only Star Wars was released 2 years earlier, the "Space: 1999" creators might've called the series "Death Star Trek" instead.

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"Look, he's headed for that small moon!"
"That's no moon, th- Wait, that's Earth's moon! He's headed for Moonbase Alpha!"
Space Wars: 1999

Personally, I believe that "gender reveal" parties are BS, if nothing else then for being held between five & 50 years too early.

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A forgotten masterpiece of a music video, now 38 years old and having aged magnificently, "Can You Feel It" by the Jackson 5:

This is incredible. There's a CMD SuperCPU for sale on eBay right now. Bidding started at 99 cents, and it's now up over $2,000.

The SuperCPU is a Commodore 64 accelerator in an oversize cartridge. To put the bids in perspective, from 1997 to 1999, CMD was selling them for $199 without RAM expansion (which this one seems to be) up to $379 with the maximum of 16 MB.

uspol, voting 

Voter registration deadlines are coming up rather quickly. If you think you're already registered to vote, double-check & make sure, because voter registration purges are actually happening.

If your response is, "If voting actually changed anything, they'd make it illegal," then everything every state has done since Shelby County v. Holder (gutting the VRA) should assure you: It does, & they are.

Or don't vote, young people:

Good little political ad - "Don't Vote":

(Aimed at a US audience, but applicable just about everywhere)

But I thought 640K was enough for anyone! :V

Seriously, the MS-DOS pre-2.1 sources being in a repo is pretty nice.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!