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Back to repairing the HP laptop. How worried should I be that a replacement CPU has used thermal paste on it that was never cleaned off? It's an AMD.

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That SuperCPU I stumbled across sold for $2,524, more than 12 times its original retail price. That's absurd.

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$ find $HOME -mtime -1w -size +100M -ls
983935 732401 -rw------- 1 arielmt arielmt 1015803904 Sep 26 19:40 /home/arielmt/firefox.core.onegig
954267 172089 -rw------- 1 arielmt arielmt 311705600 Sep 28 11:56 /home/arielmt/firefox.core

find /home -mtime -1 -size +100M -ls # Try to figure out what recently used file might have just filled up the /home partition by finding files modified in the last day that are larger than 100M just to narrow it down.

I forgot that the Apple Lisa Office System did this, too, in a much more flexible way. You have to copy the blank template icon to a new file icon, rename & move the icon to where you want it to live, & *then* you can open it to start editing the document.

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US Pol 

Republicans: States should have more freedom in their laws and shouldn't be micromanaged by the federal government!
California: OK, we're going to make our own laws to protect net neutrality!
Republicans: No not like that!

I'd boost the whole thread if it wasn't bad etiquette.

No, help, I'm thinking about datacats now and nothing's alleviating it.

I wish someone made text editors & word processors that make you name & file the files you edit first, so that they would then be auto-saved without having to think about it.

The only ones that ever did (that I'm aware of) were geoWrite & geoWrite 128, bundled with GEOS versions for the Commodore 64, the Commodore 128, & the Apple II-series.

A unique feature of freeway-bypassed cities: There are horseapples in the office complex parking lot.

Please don't leave a Commodore 64 out in the middle of a field for who knows how many decades. But if you find one that was, please don't write it off as beyond hope, either.

A point & click graphical user interface is not automatically better than the command line interface. 

I counted & timed each at my fastest, most mistake-free.

A mistake on the CLI just needs me to use the backspace key until the wrong letters are deleted.

A mistake in the GUI means taking time to recognize that the wrong GUI choices are up, to understand why or what I mis-clicked on, to remember how to back up, & to decide whether to back up or cancel & start over.

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A point & click graphical user interface is not automatically better than the command line interface. 

I'm using a tool with both, but although I have to type up to 60 characters in the CLI, it takes only 5-10 seconds, & my fingers never have to leave the keyboard.

With the GUI to do the same thing, I needed to click on 34 things, each appearing in a different place I had to point at first, take my hands off the mouse to type 4 characters, then put my hand back on the mouse, taking 40-55 seconds.

When you're browsing on Firefox and you accident open in a new window instead of a new tab.

As far as I'm concerned, "Space: 1999" jumped the shark with the very first episode of season 2. Well, YouTube suggested a season 2 episode (s2e8, specifically), this image was the thumbnail, & my first thought was "evil Burger King on the Moon."

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!