Toshiba T4600C repair [ - ]
Well, that's it. The heads look good & clean, & they're on right, all the cables are firmly seated right, the belt's having no trouble turning the spindle, & all but one of the boot disks I tried are good & readable. I changed drives & moved the belt to it, & same thing. The computer's just refusing to boot.
Microsoft-induced coprographica
Make backups, folks! Here's softing Microfuck's instructions:
Microsoft-induced coprographica
How, exactly, does the most powerful Micro[computer]-Soft[ware] company in the world let a major update release to the general public with the side effect of
in the locations they've spent the last 20+ years telling everyone to use!?
Toshiba T4600C repair [ +? ]
I got the belt back, but they sanded the new belt down to the correct width instead of replacing it. Eh, whatever works.
I installed it in one of my bad-belt floppy drives, and it's actually grabbing the spindle enough to grab the metal hub & spin the mylar disc! Progress!
But the drive isn't reading any of my boot disks. Bummer. Next step: Check the heads & hope I didn't break one.
LRF-compliant desktop interface
If you're able to pry off the LRFs (Little Rubber Feet) without dirtying or damaging the sticky stuff & without leaving any sticky stuff behind, you can use a clean backing sheet for stickers or peel-off stick-on labels to keep the LRFs clean & easy to peel off when it comes time to put them back on the computer.
Make sure to peel off any sticker chaff first if you use a sticker sheet. You don't want to stick the LRFs to any sticker parts, only backing parts.
super-oops with computers
The lesson I took away from that mistake was to write-protect the source disk before thinking of starting a copy.
That force of habit is still with me today. If I format, image, or copy anything & have more than one SD card involved (including micro-SDs in SD dongles), I flip the tab to "Lock" on the source card.
super-oops with computers
The worst computer mistake I ever made was on my C64, way back when I had only one floppy drive. I wanted to make a backup copy of a disk, & the disk copying program I was using had to format the backup first. It was halfway done with the format phase when I realized I was holding the blank floppy in my hand and that the disk I wanted to copy was being formatted.
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