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Real Husky rant hours 

And "cybre users are much worse than gab users?" How the fuck? Literally the only people who use gab versus anything else is neo-nazis. There's no reason for anyone else to use it. We fucking gets harrassed by instance users similar to gab all the god damn time.

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Real Husky rant hours 

So I've mostly moved to pleroma. Husky's supposed to be the best pleroma based app, and that the anti-SJW rep it's got is supposedly unwarranted and is mostly because of association. Makes sense, sure.

Then this fucking update happens. Whatever fucking argument they had about it just being a misunderstood association is out the fucking window now

How PC/GEOS found a 5th life as an open source DOS shell:

This is from March last year, & progress since has been slow, but it's retro GeoWorks news I missed.

How the World’s Largest Garbage Dump Evolved Into a Green Oasis:

The radical fix for a noxious landfill in Staten Island: Bury the trash, plant some grass and do nothing for 20 years.

(Freshkills didn't start as an ecological "undo human harm" project, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be turned into one.)

There's a coffee crisis coming, mostly but not entirely thanks to climate change: (Vox via YouTube, 11:33)

I just realized how old I am: The only CPU Intel made before I was born is the 4004 microprocessor.

Happy 39th birthday to the original IBM PC 5150 and PC-DOS 1.0!

dark comedy from '09 

You're watching the British Emergency Broadcasting System. Please, remain indoors.

"The Cybersecurity 202: Zoom sued by consumer group for misrepresenting its encryption protections":

Zoom has bothered me for months, going from obscure shiny to mission-critical app in half a year with nothing but bad news when anything even touching on its security gets reported. Sometimes that news is regular bad, & sometimes it's zany bad.

uspol, (-) 

With Biden's pick of Kamala Harris as his VP, the leadership of the Democratic Party has made its position clear:

The Republicans will burn the country to the ground, and the Democrats will bring the campfire forks and marshmallows.

another short JS rant 

Please stop using JavaScript to reinvent CSS.

At the very least, if you've used enough CSS to change the style and color of a block of text, please go the extra baby step and give that block a decently contrasting background color in CSS as well.

furry kink and species stuff for the sole purpose of a bad joke 

😔🤚 feline taurs
😏👉 cat-bottomed girls

I made a static website generator I've been using for my website for a year and change, and finally it actually works for making new static websites now!

Am I the only one who eats potato chips and corn/cheese snacks from the bag with chopsticks? I like keeping my fingertips reasonably clean while snacking.

lewd adj 

shoutout to the time i thought that "typefucking" was when pokemon furries used type advantages to spice up BDSM

I'm shitposting in my own Makefile now. What is my life? 

# Useful.
@echo "Place the nearest Windows 7 PC in the fire pit."
@echo -n "Press [Enter] when ready to upgrade it to Windows 10. "
@read yn

I'm shitposting in my own Makefile now. What is my life? 

# Useful.
@echo "Place the nearest Windows 7 PC in the fire pit."
@echo -n "Press [Enter] when ready to upgrade it to Windows 10. "
@read yn

covid-19, face masks, rant 

I had to go to the Family Dollar for a few things. Two folks were chatting about how their relatives caught the coronavirus, & how so many of them died from it. I look, & NEITHER OF THEM ARE WEARING A MASK!


This hour-long video of random '80s CGI animations is a mesmerizing representation of my fever dreams.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!