RT @AlexisuwuAlexis@twitter.com
men will avoid soy like the plague because of small dosages of phytoestrogens but will feast on beef and dairy from cows stuffed full of mammal estrogens and growth hormone https://www.news-medical.net/health/Sex-Hormones-in-Meat-and-Dairy-Products.aspx
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlexisuwuAlexis/status/1449133229152292867
TEMPEST hazard of the day: ordinary ethernet cables. https://www.theregister.com/2021/10/14/lantenna_ethernet_cable_rf_emissions/
And now, the showstopper y'all saw coming: My customer has to make a Google account in order to do anything more than just turn it on.
The death of computer manuals strikes again. This leaflet, an actual literal leaflet, is the only other thing inside the box. What's the most important thing it DOESN'T tell you how to do?
Indigenous Peoples' Day (& Columbus)
No one thought the Earth was flat. The literate knew it's round & how big around (except for some conspiracy theorists relying on obvious unit conversion errors), and the uneducated never traveled far enough to know or care.
Indigenous Peoples' Day (& Columbus)
The dumbass mariner you celebrate wasn't even right about the size of the Earth. Columbus was wrong by the science and mathematics of the age, not just by modern science. That's a hell of an albatross around your holiday's neck.
guy: how did we become the apex race on planet earth
humans: (literally the only animal cooperating with each other and creating artificial things to improve life on a global scale)
guy: maybe we should shit in the woods and eat each other some more, that seems popular
Aside from '70s Super Star Trek clones, the only actual C64 Star Trek game I can find is an Infocom-style Star Trek III RPG.
This rendition makes me want to load up a ST:Voyager-themed space trading/combat game on the C64. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjEvNTniq3w
All the "piracy is bad" takes remind me of that time the RIAA claimed Limewire owed them $75 trillion for piracy.
More than the entire world's annual GDP.
More than the whole industry made since the phonograph's invention in 1877.
Arista v. Limewire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arista_Records_LLC_v._Lime_Group_LLC#Limitations_on_damages
you heard of market price egg nog egg nog egg nog now get reay for SOUP soup Break SOUP relax... SOUP taste
RT @geddysmullet@twitter.com
losing my shit at this bowl i saw at winco
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/geddysmullet/status/1443471431979831297
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