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I still want someone to make USB floppy drives that can read & write MF2DD floppies reliably AND USB floppy drives that can read & write DSDD & DSHD floppies in all the most common formats.

I still want someone to make new 3-1/2 (90mm) AND 5-1/4 (135mm) floppies, too!

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Windows 10 is an incompatible clone of VMS that thinks it's an incompatible clone of CP/M.

Context: Surprise that Windows 10 reads & writes MF2HD floppy disks with a (relatively) cheap USB floppy drive.

What I tried so far:
> debug
-> G=C800:5
-> G=C800:800
-> G=C800:CCC
-> G=C800:5
-> G=C800:6

What I haven't tried yet:
> SpeedStor
> Other debug commands

There's no HDD attached. I have to figure out what the controller is & supports before sourcing a disk.

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Anyone who knows rare add-ons for , can you point me to the manual for this? It's a Mountain Computer part number 05-04031-02 that came in a HDD-less IBM 5160 (PC-XT) I rescued. I can't tell if it's an MFM, RLL, or ESDI controller or what the jumpers do.

I have IBM DOS 2.1 for the PC-XT & IBM DOS 3.3 on disks the XT likes, but they don't have a setup program. The disks were installed before being shrink-wrapped.

The only other utilities I have are DEBUG & FDISK. None of the Debug commands worked, & FDisk simply says no HDD.

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The Diagnostics disk from the XT's Guide to Operations recognizes that a controller is present & jumpered for a single HDD, but it doesn't say what the controller is or what kind it is.

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But the only Mountain Computer manuals I can find are for their Apple II products. None for their IBM PC controller cards.

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And I know it's a hard drive controller of some sort, because Mountain Computer sold it for the PC & XT (5150 & 5160) at the same time they sold hard drive kits for Apple IIs.

Omni Complete Catalog of Computer Hardware and Accessories 1984, pp. 242-243:

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Anyone who knows rare add-ons for , can you point me to the manual for this? It's a Mountain Computer part number 05-04031-02 that came in a HDD-less IBM 5160 (PC-XT) I rescued. I can't tell if it's an MFM, RLL, or ESDI controller or what the jumpers do.


Meaning: Remove peanut butter & jelly sandwich or other foreign object from disk drive.

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The computer arrived with this drive's door shut. How did they even get that far in there?

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When you ship , folks, *PLEASE* cover and protect the openings before pouring packing peanuts into the box!

I now own a TRS-80 Model III that *must* be disassembled because styrofoam peanuts are clogging the disk drive cavities and edge connector openings.

I shouldn't be shopping for vintage computers, especially at this hour, but someone is definitely as much of a geek as I am. They're selling a TI-99/4A for $99.4A:

quick tip for those trying to sync USB palms with pilot-link with computers too new for libusb-0.1 to work on:

modprobe visor
use '/dev/ttyUSB1' instead of 'usb:'

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

Seriously, the number of journalists who do this is just staggering and frustrating. If you can't be bothered to referred to them correctly, just don't even fucking bother in the first place.

Palmdle update v1.1 released!
New QoL UI improvements:
- Guess field starts focused
- Letters are unhidden at the start of a game
Answer list updated to match the new NYT list

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!