hey it's your local queer infosec tech furry reminding you to switch to #firefox again because chrome blowsssssss
Average fedi timeline:
Cat girl: meow meow meow!
FOSS guy: lol I fucked up a tool chain
Trans cat girl: Meow meow meow!
that one person on the timeline: HERE'S WHAT I'M PISSED ABOUT
Trans cat girl who is also a FOSS person: nyaaaaa
Polish old man: Każdego ranka budzę się i, cholera, te kotki. Zawsze miauczą i proszą o kolację. Ten hałas sprawia mi ból, ale dźwięk ich łap biegających po podłodze nadal rozgrzewa moje serce
I have to tell him that, because he refused to give his CC info to the "subscription cancellation" phone number he called (fake tech support scammers) *after* he let them into his PC, they nuked his files and programs on top of locking out his account with the password hint "call".
Please stress to them that if they let someone they don't know and you haven't vetted connect to their PC, it's already game over.
Folks, if you have any computer-illiterate friends and relatives you're on good terms with, please educate them about fake invoice emails.
The owner of one of my tech support patients tried to reverse a (nonexistent) $400 support subscription charge by calling the 1-800 number on a (fake) Geek Squad invoice.
netizen club has moved to @netizenclub
part of my long-held "it's us or them" stance re: the online ad industry is that ultimately all speech will become, in the name of corporate comfort, as anodyne and contentless and unchallenging to power as advertising itself, if they continue to control the web.
Every time I think I should give in and finally make a GitHub account, they do something that reminds me why they're either bullshit, batshit, or both.
Today, it's going all in on the computer pseudoscience quackery du jour, "AI" that's only artificial, not intelligent.
GitHub's blog, "Universe 2023: Copilot transforms GitHub into the AI-powered developer platform": https://github.blog/2023-11-08-universe-2023-copilot-transforms-github-into-the-ai-powered-developer-platform/
Fixing parents' PC because after 20-odd years of virtually every HDD coming with SMART on board & virtually every BIOS coming SMART-enabled, Microsoft Windows still doesn't have a SMART monitor/notifier built in. That's right, it's time for slow & painful data rescue, racing against imminent hardware failure.
silicon valley VCs' best ideas of the 2020s:
-put a drone on something
-wrongness generator 3000 (uses more energy than a small nation)
-space pollution
-self-crashing cars
-an app that is actually criminally underpaid workers in another country
-an app that is actually criminally underpaid workers in this country
-vrchat but it cost 20x to make and it fucking sucks
✨ Kind 'Net Help Desk fairy by day. ✨
✨ Weird & furry Unix fairy by night. ✨
✨ Sometimes a retrocomputer fairy. ✨
✨ Pays the ComputerFairi.es bills. ✨
✨ Sparkly✨shellscript✨princess. ✨
✨ Age: Mere days younger than ✨
✨ the Intel 4004 & Unix 1st Edition. ✨
✨ Follow requests welcome. ✨
✨ ✨