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“That’s not possible, they’d be in the room with us”
“They’re right on top of us, man!”

Tell me again how #GenAI will extract meaningful trends from and answer queries about your data set.

#chatgpt4o #fAIl

Capitalist discovers Capitalism 

This is a most hilarious LinkedIn post which I screenshotted for you (and alt-texted).

Nothing like a "founder" discovering that re-inventing the wheel, predatory pricing and then being honest about pricing is what pretty much all "new tech" has been recently 🤣

Proofreading a book about the history of soccer/football and it appears that the original sport was essentially 17776 rules

PS if you don't know what "17776 rules" means then i highly recommend grabbing the nearest computer with a big screen, setting aside 3 to 4 hours, and enjoying the most successful piece of multimedia science fiction published in the last decade

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Windows 11 -> Windows Update -> Error encountered: We could not complete the install because an update service was shutting down.

Ain't that a mood.

It has been 0️⃣​days since a website served me a completely blank page because it uses JavaScript to reinvent bog standard HTML poorly.

re: Windows11 wat 

The PC in pieces was a laptop with broken hinges & a touch screen surface so thoroughly cracked that it sensed 10-20 fingers touching & swiping the screen in different spots constantly, rendering it unusable without teardowns more expensive than just yanking the HDD & borrowing a USB enclosure to do an "archive everything now, extract the required bits later" recovery.

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#Windows11 wat 

I'm restoring files from a customer's PC-in-pieces to a new PC, extracting 15 GB of files from a 7z archive on the same SSD as the destination directory.

The built-in File Explorer treats the 7z archive like it does ZIP archives: fancier directories. But using File Explorer to extract gave a duration estimate of "More than 1 day", spun up the fan to top speed, & genuinely took longer than a whole day do reach 1%.

I installed 7-Zip, used it instead, & was done in mere minutes.

Hold on... let me get the tech manual out for Vore day.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!