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code that pirates 

how do i stay on top of all the tracks i want to keep in my dj library? piracy of course! heres my script

#! /bin/bash
lines=$(wc -l < downloads.txt)
while read p; do
./yt-dlp_macos -f 'ba' -x --audio-format mp3 "$p"
lines=$((lines - 1))
tput setaf 3 && echo "tracks remaining: $lines" && tput sgr0
echo ''
done <downloads.txt

A lot of Microsoft Knowledge Base articles linked to Hotfix programs downloadable from the Microsoft Download Center. The MSKB was culled, & the MSDC is gone. MSKB article archives exist, but they have only dead links, no files.

Does anyone have an archive of MSDC files?

Here's a 117 kilobyte JPEG by kgsws. It appears to be a perfectly normal picture, but... (1/2)

So, Dschinghis Khan is apparently not only still active, but original members of the Eurodisco group formed two separate groups both calling themselves Dschinghis Khan, which resulted in one of the former members filing suit against another for trademark infringement.

5 secrets big woman doesn't want you to know:

1. woman big

sorry got distracted thinking about big woman and can't complete the post

I've just been corrected by dosnostalgic on birdsite: DOS 6 and Windows 9x didn't have EDLIN, either. Oops.

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FYI, artists on Instagram: They're allowing (and encouraging) anyone to use your images and footage for their own Reels and Stories without your permission. And it's automatic. You have to opt out of it if you don't want to give permission.

So, they're pretty much saying "Use anything you find here without asking and don't give any credit--that's okay!"


#instagram #privacy

It's only 64-bit versions of (x86) Windows that don't come with EDLIN installed.

Also, in Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, & 10, you need to install NTVDM separately in order to run EDLIN. Typing the command for the first time brings up a Windows Troubleshooter Wizard to do just that for you.

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Every version of MS-DOS came with EDLIN.

Every 16-bit version of Windows let you run EDLIN via the underlying MS-DOS.

Every 32-bit version of Windows from the first RTM of Windows 95 right through to the current version of Windows 10 came with EDLIN.

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Trivia: Windows 11 is the first version of any Microsoft operating system for IBM PCs, IBM compatibles, PC compatibles, or PCs shipping without the command line editor EDLIN in any edition.

Why? Because there's no 32-bit x86 edition of Windows 11.

Every evening the cat came, and every evening the poor artist would sketch or paint feverishly in the dimming light.

The cat would be still as a statue, until the artist was done - image completed or not. The incomplete images were always somehow completed by dawn.

The artist eventually sold the collection, then purchased a rare dried fish, feeding it to the cat and breaking the curse.

She cried, relieved to have her wife back.

#TootFic #MicroFiction #Writing #TerylsTales #Caturday #Fantasy

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!