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Of course, it didn't work.

The thing is, it never worked, & the non-DSL ISP they switched to me from never bothered to troubleshoot past the router's Internet port or otherwise make sure their customer could actually use the Internet service they were paying for.

I did, & I now have another happy customer. But this network mess today drained me.

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Things you don't expect to see when setting up a new customer's high-speed Internet service:

A long-forgotten & disconnected DSL modem at the end of 100s of feet of ethernet cable, next building over, still turned on, & still handing out its own DHCP leases to nowhere on the new wifi.

Space Karen has always been a fucking idiot.

Ars Technica: "Musk admits NPR isn't state-affiliated after asking questions he could have googled":

Uspol-adjacent / wealthcare parody 

LB's movie/show idea reminded me of "Black Jack," Osamu Tezuka's manga serial about a surgeon who lost his license for performing a life-saving surgery his contemporaries refused, and who went underground to keep doing so, often refusing to burden his patients with crippling medical debt.

Uspol-adjacent / wealthcare parody 

Movie/ show idea: breaking bad except he's counterfeiting life-saving medicine that big pharma charges $$$,$$$ for and selling it at affordable prices on the street, and the FBI is hunting him like Nic Cage in Lord of War trying to catch him illegally manufacturing/ selling the drugs.

The Media Creation Tool has been around and regularly updated for almost 8 years, and it *still* requires you to log in to a full-on Administrator account, just to download and save an image to a USB flash drive.

No, not "Run As Administrator." That's not enough. "Run As Administrator" in a Standard User account still quits with the message, "To use this tool, you must be signed in to Windows using an administrator account."

INTERNET RATIONALIST: Consider the following thought experiment. Imagine a hyperintelligent artificial intelligence–

ME: No


ME: I am declining to imagine the hyperintelligent artificial intelligence.


ME: I'm thinking about birds right now


ME: Dozens of crows, perched atop great standing stones

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Now that it's baseball season and the baseballs in baseball fields all over are starting to bud and flower, it's once again time to shower them with the proper blessings:

Fuck the Yankees.

Actual hardware support in Windows is a joke, and it's only often-crap OEM drivers working most of the time that keeps you from realizing this.

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To clarify: Windows 10 won't boot. It BSOD's with "BAD SYSTEM CONFIG INFO". This is after Automatic Repair fails & offers Advanced options, that it lets me choose "Reset this PC."

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Okay, Microsoft, what exactly is the point of offering a "Cloud download" option to the "Reset this PC" feature in the Advanced Startup Options menu, the last recovery option remaining for my PC repair customer, WITHOUT EVEN PRETENDING TO OFFER WIFI AS A NETWORK CONNECTION CHOICE?

Do you have any idea how rare ethernet ports are on laptops & tablets? Not even your own branded laptops & tablets have one to share between them all!

This crap is why I haven't used Windows at home since '02.

Universe, send me a sign of international human unity.


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!