On the eve of 2025, 18 months after Microsoft decreed that "Outlook for Windows" will replace "Windows Mail" in both Windows 10 and Windows 11, 18 months after Microsoft promised it'll eventually support IMAP accounts just like its obsoleted apps did from Day 1, it still doesn't, and now every IMAP user who didn't know any better is SOL.
Happy new 1925, Windows users!
Where do you want to go today?™️
Some of the MS Answers suggestions worked, some didn't. "bootrec /fixboot" gave "Access is denied" for example.
But when it was done, the new SSD booted all the way. Now on every boot, it stops to ask which OS I want to boot: "Windows 10" or "Windows 10".
... I have to start over from cloning the full SSD again, don't I.
Where do you want to go today?™️
- Clone dangerously full Win10 SSD to 8X larger SSD.
- Remove full SSD, install big SSD.
+ Win10 boots normally.
- Install full SSD for use as extra storage.
+ Win10 boots normally from big SSD.
- Clean up data, fix up system, update apps.
+ At some point, Win10 boots from full SSD instead.
- Remove full SSD, leave big SSD in.
Your PC/Device needs to be repaired
A required device isn't connected or can't be accessed.
Error code: 0xc000000e"
- wat
linux will do so much better when they excommunicate stallman and their followers from their ranks
did some light digging in discmaster as @textfiles recently suggested and found these spiffy #PenPlotter icons from a 1996 SiliconGraphics IRIX install disc:
Connection -
Not much worse than getting home to find out my home ISP's out. The only thing I can think of that is, greeted me Friday night.
I wish the ISP I work for could serve my home. Instead, my only options are a 4G on the edge of a shadow, a 5G that wants me to pay a $60/mo surcharge for a phone I don't need, fiber that wants me to pay a $60/mo surcharge for a phone I don't need, a satellite ISP so draconian you can't update Windows, & a techbro satellite angering the world's astronomers.
Darl McBride was the most hated man in tech thanks to his plan to sue Linux users to generate revenue. 15 years ago today, his company, SCO, fired him. And a little over a month ago, he died in relative obscurity at age 64. https://dfarq.homeip.net/when-sco-fired-darl-mcbride/
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