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To get GitHub Pages to actually build your website, you have to select a Jekyll theme, even if you're not using Jekyll, and you've got a .nojekyll file.

There's no way to select a Jekyll theme once you've published your themeless and therefore broken site.

police, institutional bias, facial recognition 

The irony is that due to institutional bias in tech, face recognition technologies tend to only be accurate on white men.


After police in Portland started covering their badges, a protester built a facial recognition app to identify officers.

Portland's mayor told him it was "a little creepy" but it doesn't seem to be illegal despite city's new anti-face recognition laws:


Wrote some Linear Haskell. It's still rough, but I think it's gonna be good :)

there are few things as exhausting and pointless as academic performance review

might fuck around and give my figures names like Cat and Sydney so I feel better about the capitalisation...

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I strongly dislike the tendency for academics to capitalise things like "Figure 4", since I don't think "Figure 4" is the name of the figure, but a descriptor and an index

In 15 minutes, I'm giving my talk "Schmitty the Solver" on SMT integration for Agda! Come join me!

Heya! Do you have any plans to migrate Hakyll over to using Text instead of String? I think Pandoc went that way a couple of releases ago, so it should be possible now?

TIL the crossposter from birdsite doesn't deal well with polls

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actually, the bibtex file I'm working with atm has a note on the extended journal version of a paper which says "extended version of \cite{conferencepaper}", which is an interesting approach

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CS academia twitter, which do you cite, and why?

I'm often overwhelmed. I'd like to be just whelmed for a change.

facebook, fascism 

"The 2016 [Facebook] presentation says that '64% of all extremist group joins are due to our recommendation tools', and that most of the activity came from the Groups You Should Join and Discover algorithms."


New Episode!

Part One: Mark Zuckerberg Should Be On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity



denmark, landlords 

my danish letting agency uses software which, if it encounters an error, automatically evicts tenants... I *wish* I were joking

TFW when you're like "I should fix the way KaTeX loads on my blog" and then 20 hours later you're manually writing a CSL style file to render your publication history

the fifth most common google search term is "google" and i am just

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!