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MT [head of SDF Press Office in northern Syria, 37 minutes ago]:
Syrian Democratic Forces declare total elimination of so-called caliphate and 100% territorial defeat of ISIS. On this unique day, we commemorate thousands of martyrs whose efforts made the victory possible. #SDFDefeatedISIS

J.K Rowling: Ron Weasley is an actual weasel. Literally. That's not common in the wizarding world, but no one thought to mention or even comment on it once.

I am all for space colonization for the most selfish reason:

I want to live on a planet with a 28 hour day.
I want 18 hours awake and 10 hours of sleep.


bot-generated text, probably lewd 

Some sticks to a fair goose rip them hearingly. Tob's wasabi pants. One randy male plunges fermentingly in nothings from that.

If you think #trans people should #be able to commit #arson? SMASH THAT MOTHERFUCKING TOOT BUTTON

Idle thought: it's a shame that capitalism has turned the meaning of "volunteer" from "unforced, by choice" into "unpaid".

zebras can't be domesticated because they don't have social hierarchy. anarchism works

You’re gonna get older, you’re gonna get wiser, I’m not fucking Peter Pan.

But you can still see how cool this next generation is, how accepting, brave, and smart.

Their values might be different, just like ours were, that’s a GOOD THING, it means progress is happening

The person who shared this on Instagram couldn't find the source, and neither can I (why is reverse image search failing me?) but anyway, whoever designed this progressive Cool S clock is clever and hilarious

It's funny how retelling stories work in movies, especially ones with action scenes. Sure it looks cool on screen but can you imagine sitting there looking at the other person making pew pew noises and pointing there arms and fingers in different directions?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!