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Love it when it rains right after I get my hair buzzed

nature celebrating my victory with everyone uwu)/

can't tell if I have a headache because the window AC is getting to me

or if it's because I haven't eaten enough

@CarbonIceDragon huh, that's pretty interesting, I appreciate the research and thought put into this reply :blobcat:

salt of the earth -good, decent person

salting the earth - bad, ruining something

I'm vaguely aware of how important salt was historically

but it's still super confusing as someone who just noticed this

I literally thought they meant the same thing

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wtf does

"salt of the earth"

have an almost entirely different meaning than

"salting the earth"

food cw 

craving garbage delivery pizza again

I know it will never look as good as the tv ad but

~*garbage delivery pizza*~

oh no, I'm out of coffee creamer!

(camera pans to carton of soy milk and sugar cubes)

oh right

Big heat. Summer heat is at its strongest. The air is thick and humid and the trees are busy making seeds. 🔥

so as it turns out, reading comics on a tablet is a delight and I'm a FOOL for not trying it sooner

TW guns mentioned 

do countries outside of the US have as many gun memes as we do?

like memes where a character has a photo realistic gun pointing to the viewer/camera or such

trying to get myself to read this thing I downloaded forever ago on artist burnout


lol forgot s1 birdie wing ended on an especially yuri note

food cw 

had a coconut milk ice cream sandwich thing

loved the tiny size and it tasted pretty good imho

he's not like those *other guys*, he's *nice* !

flipped the other way around,

guys just don't want *nice* gals, they want *bad bitches* !

like, it's all nonsense, but something to consider

Show thread"nice guys" the guy version of "I'm not like other girls" ? :blobthinkingeyes:

PS4 youtube guessed I wanted to see a golf ad

now to quietly hope this doesn't mean anything terrible

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!