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when a popular furry artist changes their birdsite account to private but you still get to see the content 👀

need to summon the strength to shower before collapsing into bed

also brief reminder to US pals that your local library most likely has a program to listen to audio books for free

let audible crash & burn

Listen to an audio book. There are lots of public domain ones here:

As a blind Mastodonian who is made happy by alt text every day, I'd like to request anyone who feels inclined or able, to post and describe insects. I've really enjoyed the occasional alt text describing flying and crawling things.

caps lock 


my apt complex wants to charge 84USD$ A YEAR, PER CAR, TO PARK IN THE PARKING LOT (street parking is not applicable to our complex)


also gonna try the "mobile" version of the interface with the one giant column for a bit

see if that's more comfortable for me

not that I suddenly became fluent in anything new but it's nice to see everyone's stuff

for some WILD reason I had my filter language settings to Esperanto and Korean?

I think past me misunderstood what the ticked box meant lolol

food/eating mentioned 

so today has been a day, but at least I got some Treats while I was out :blobnomcookie:
(slice of green tea roll cake from H mart)

Clueless queer asks, was this flirting? 

Was at the local library for a meeting about job hunting tl;dr that goes great

The librarian and I are really getting along, and she emphasizes at the last second of the meeting that I can call the number in her email signature, does *not* give me a boundary on when it's ok or not to call

Was that flirting, or am I looking too close?

like fr my hearts still going a bit, instinctively covered my ears knowing how much closer that strike was than any I had experienced recently

storms caps lock 


((I was sitting outside in a covered patio deck thing))

the gang is watching conspiracy videos and I've already distracted/derailed the train of thought a bunch already so y'all get fresh memes instead

🎶 it's not un-usual to be kidnapped by aliens, do wah wah wah 🎶

ah bummer, a buzzcut didn't fix all my brain problems after all

I really wanna play tap tap mobile games, but I really don't want to clog up my ipad with games, and the smartphone is full as it is

just learned about Mountain from arknights

:blobsweats:​ why did no one tell me there are furries in this game ? ? ?

Love it when it rains right after I get my hair buzzed

nature celebrating my victory with everyone uwu)/

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!