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hey all my cool #furry #furryfandom friends who are heading to any conventions remember that masking is super cool and prevents you from getting con crud! and, like, the plague that still exists

so be cool and wear a mask please

listening to Moomin music has reminded me Ice Caves exist and I wanna see one in person so bad *w*)

as tedious as the layers are and everything

walking around on a cold snowy night during a full moon is a lovely vibe

another episode of

"I put on noise canceling headphones to vacuum and forgot I had them on until I got a headache"


also: fun fact: my complex does not consider losing your keys on a below freezing winter night an "emergency" 🙃

so yeah thank the forces of the universe for generosity and kindness of community

(insert a long story about how I lost my keys on a walk, double tracked around the block, and then only found them when I asked for help looking for them)

:blobsob:​ I'm so relieved to be inside where it's warm

life tried really fucking hard tonight to ruin my day but I DIDN'T LET IT!!


how the heck does this teeny tiny cup of Ramyun have like 6 grams of protein in it

Thousands of Jews are currently occupying NYC's Grand Central Station to demand a ceasefire. We need this in every city!!!

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza

ok I def remember the cowboy shootout sequence mini game, classic

there's a LASER ability in kirby on the NES?!?!

ok, now I'm just being mind blown, what the heck, is this even the same game I played as a child :O

it's mostly funny because I'm talking about Kirby on the NES

but also wtf, I didn't know so many old school games had blind spots from the boss lolol

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watching a longplay video quickly destroy a boss that would've taken me ages to beat as a child 🙃

I didn't realize there was a *new* Hunger Games movie until the last seconds of the ad

genuinely thought for a second some random ad was telling me I wasn't radical enough and I needed to watch the original movie(s) 🤣

Ooohhhh the air is colder, that's how I slept in for so long =w=);;

got things done today but I cannot believe I still have things to do like,

walk the pupper and make a food, weh

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!