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99% sure I've talked about this before, but on the note of YGO TCG art

IMHO letting people pick 1 or more YGO TCG card illustrations to represent their gender would probably express a lot more about that person than the binary gender system ever could lol


well I'm not going anywhere tonight, time to pop open a cold one

(opens a can of ginger ale)

ooohhh yeeaaah :blobsunglasses:​ that's the good stuff

I love YGO TCG art, it's so cool, it's so cute, sometimes both, sometimes neither

but it's not afraid of either and I love looking through the designs online :3

When a union wins, a lot of people not in unions benefit.

This is why Republicans and establishment Democrats try to turn you against unions.

Piece I completed as a demo for one of my new commission types.

can anything beat the euphoric feeling of seeing something you designed/made as a stream element being used in a stream

Happy circulatory system walking through the kitchen day to those who celebrate

tl;dr streamer was trying to convince me that xmas music had "universally started" in the US because their friend said so

I've been outside and switched my radio stations; it ain't xmas here

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lol the molehills people will die on to prove that anything going on is universal in the US

like it's not a fucking huge ass place with a billion different regional things going on

had a dream I went to go adopt a pupper friend for Irene (the pom) and somehow when I got home I also had 2 new cats

which were very cute but both dream me and real me don't know how to take care of cats

also Irene got along with the new pets right away which is a miracle in itself


I love to smash a dark chocolate orange candy ✨

Random chainsawman prediction - not caught up at all in any medium 

The final (or close to) final boss devil is going to be The Ocean; she's huge, scary, and ANCIENT

Start of winter. When the winter season starts. Land begins to freeze, rivers and streams shortly to follow. ❄️

I've never been in a super huge server so I guess that's more common over there, but in terms of tiny servers that feels pretty rare ^w^);

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it took me ...7(?) years to be in a discord server and see 2 active voice channels going on at the same time :O


at least out of all the stuff that happened today I ordered some fast food and there weren't any mistakes in the order ;w; yaaay

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!