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NSFW mentioned 

I lied I'm going to share my thoughts live-ish as I watch hulu's gay christmas comedy movie "Happiest Season"

because only 5 minutes into it and there's a brief side joke about randos doing Christmas BDSM and I need y'all to witness this lmao

christmas mentioned 

it's time to admit defeat this COVID vaccine is tough I'm wrapping up and going to bed (after I can figure out which christmas crap to watch)

damn my twitch algorithm wasted no time at all in trying to get my attention with art streamers after the update 🤣

I was on my knees washing bathroom mats for maybe 10 minutes max yesterday and today it feels like I destroyed them :blobsleepless: woooo getting older

don't spread conservative propaganda

don't platform conservative propaganda

don't reply to conservative propaganda

don't quote retweet conservative propaganda

don't screenshot dunk on conservative propaganda

don't spread conservative propaganda

@goaty because of the price, I usually only have a few colors and a few grays, so I use them in a limited palette sorta way

alcohol markers can be layered on top of each other, kinda like watercolor, so you might not need as many colors as paint markers

IWW poster redraw for @doubleDensity and @PupperoniDogsnax ! provided in original and jazz solo flavors

Remember kids! The boss needs you, you don't need him! Labor is entitled to all it creates.


Discord's new update has added a setting that allows people with your phone number in their contacts to add you automatically (thus outing you to acquaintances and colleagues)

AND some people are reporting this was enabled for them by default (unclear why; I cannot repro this in my own testing)

AND it uses the same account-level phone number as is used for verification and SMS 2FA, so you cannot just remove your number

absolutely god tier s-rank copper-bottomed shithousery. if users give you phone numbers so they can be safer when using your service, you must NOT then use those numbers for growth hacking. this is basic stuff. ffs.

strongly urge you to go to Settings -> Privacy & Safety and turn off all three boxes below, if any are ticked

also revoke the contacts permission from the Discord app in your phone's main Settings app

btw you don't have to be trans to change your name if you wanna, you can just have a different name

feels like every time I see some concert pic or bar pic on insta I go into a COVID face mask rage


last boost, timely; we got a few inches of snow yesterday

Big snow. The cold sets in. Bears are hibernating in their dens, and the salmon have swam upstream. Nature is quiet. 💤

cut the tip of my ring finger on my right (dominant) hand working on x-mas cards =m=);;

why does the govt insist on getting both vaccines at the same time, I get worn out from just 1 at a time 🛏️

caps lock | positive + 


ok maybe the whole thing is like an orb, complete with dirt instead of sand, but what's holding the orb down there??? (x-files theme starts playing)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!