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Companies: "You'll own nothing, and you'll love it!"

Me: "Well then I'll buy nothing, and you'll have to deal with it, lol."

Dog health 

So the vet showed me a video of a dog seizure and that was pretty much what it looked like 😱!!!

The vet laid out a timeline of stuff we can do that makes sense and feels manageable

So glad I rushed over to the ER vet the 1st time

Haven't had any other scary shaking episodes from the pupper either, what a relief

Hopefully that's the end of that

I urgently need a new air mattress, ours just popped and we need to get a new one stat.

I was sleeping on the floor before and I got no sleep for months. Good quality sleep is vital for my health because of my disabilities (Long COVID, POTS).

I need $139 asap. Please boost.

#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest

my bangs have grown out long enough that I'm in the headband zone once again

I forgot because I've been micro napping today I've had a bunch of different dreams lolol

dog health 

waaah Irene had another shaking spell but this time she was trapped in in her cute lil dog bed with a big pile of spit next to her :blobsob:

she's okay now but I've been worrying if we should just go back to the ER vet or if we can wait for tomorrow...

pupper health scare + pos 

doggo started violently shaking so I dropped everything to take her to the ER vet

thankfully she calmed down in the process of me carrying her to the car, but we went anyway to be sure

thankfully the ER vet didn't find any signs of a heart attack or seizures so we're back at home, no charge 🙏 bless

we already had a checkup scheduled for her on Tuesday so hopefully that's soon enough to do a more through check


:bunhdcry:​ the really nice park near by one of my earlier apts might get bulldozed for apt buildings

yeah reshared that super late but just in case it wasn't clear lol

hilarious to think I'm supposed to be dreaming of owning like, a big house, on the property I would also own

meanwhile, in reality, I drive by a plot of pre-made homes and those seem luxurious

@goaty does this count as a mukbang if they get to watch you eat in real time too? :thinkhappy:

Concrete Jungle (90 minutes)

trying to bend my own rules on blending and shading in order to get some cooler effects than just opaque colors can convey

#myart #sunset #landscape

Spectacular black and white floor mosaic in the women’s changing room at the Central Baths, Herculaneum. Triton with octopus, cuttlefish, cherub and dolphins. Early 1st century AD.

Modern changing rooms could do with a #Roman style upgrade!

@AlisonFisk #Roman #mosaics

"Parents Rights" is a dog-whistle for abuse.

The US is the *only* country in the world which is not party to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

There was a proposal by Russia a few years ago to include so-called "Parental Rights" in the convention, and it was widely rejected as it inherently is at odds with the idea of the rights of a child to be heard, respected, protected, a right to their own name and identity.

In the US, rejection of the convention is specifically because of conservative Republicans who believe that children should not have rights, and that only the authority of parents is what matters.

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absolutely hate learning about (US/NA) culture via social media

re: some OVERTAKE! thoughts - ep 1 spoilers 

clarification: the Jones soda is a real life example where I was at a grocery store and almost put the bottle I mentioned in my cart, not a plot point in the anime

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some OVERTAKE! thoughts - ep 1 spoilers 

I've talked the nerdy car things on a different account

but...,it feels fucked up concept wise to profit from taking a picture of someone who's so upset? & didn't consent to sharing?

there's drawing 2D people upset, taking pictures for the memories (private use), and then there's taking a picture of a baby or child crying and submitting it to Jones soda to put on a bottle profiting.

idk, there's plot and I've only seen 2 eps, just feels exploitive a bit

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!