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🧠 ("Leader of the Sparrow Clan" from Ōkami starts playing at 11) 🎶

Weird to think that the most important thing I picked up at community college is how to get competitive about parking spots

Omg that's why I started riding the bus back then

trying out a thing where I introduce somebody with dual pronouns if that person uses more than one

my intention is to be helpful, if it's not, or confusing let me know

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internally I'm flopping around like a fish on dry land I'm so excited about this sona art!

he's/it's doing background art too?! and it looks SO. COOL! 🤩

offline pal got me to relook into alternative 1-cup coffee brewing methods, and they're feeling more doable

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sorrry black tea fans, it's not that I hate tea, it's just that I love coffee more

Little heat. The summer heat begins. Warm winds blow, lotus' blossom, and young hawks are learning to fly. 🏖

requesting money to order food (low priority but it would be nice) 

today has been a helluva day. we're both absolutely exhausted, especially meats, and it would be nice to be able to order some kinda food for delivery.

i'm basically outta money until wednesday, and this is not an urgent emergency we-will-die-without-this situation, but if anyone's feeling generous and can spare like $40 (to cover delivery and tip on top of the food itself) i'd be incredibly grateful!

again, not urgent, not high-priority, we will be fine without this. but it'd be nice :neocat_pleading:

got a friend to draw my sona on stream and I'm exploding with happy brain chemicals!! that's me!! I look so cool!!!

I suppose the one thing I really for sursies know now is that you cannot run a brew on a keurig without the water reservoir/tank or water in it, that's an instant overheat KO out 50-100USD

I suppose they also want you to keep the tank in there so the sensor doesn't get fucked up but like, who's really doing that

that's on them

Extremely anxious reminder to CW your politics posts. And yes that includes boosts.

the actual good news is I have a bunch of black tea bags that I think taste good, should be enough to get through the next week or so

nothing beats the smell of brewing coffee at home though =m=);

as expected most of the options are like double the cost of a new one from Big Box Store

but they do have exactly 1 option that with free shipping that is slightly cheaper so I guess I'll bother with it

tried calling keurig and they might have a decent deal on a "new" machine, but chances are buying an actually new machine will be cheaper

might actually get the device protection thing stores are always talking about if the avg lifespan of these things is under 2 years anyway

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!