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why is the SEARCH function actually completely useless on youtube

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why is it actually impossible to search for account names on youtube

read the phrase "West Philadelphia" and now I'm wondering where the art of those long TV show intros went

for a crowd that hates tumblr so much y'all sure boost more than toot

5 things white people can do to start making the fediverse less toxic for Black people

  1. Listen more to more Black people – and amplify their voices
  2. Post less – and think before you post
  3. Call in, call out, and/or report anti-Blackness when you see it
  4. Support Black people and Black-led instances and projects
  5. Approach it intersectionally

The article also has links to anti-racism resources and appendices with a list of common mistkes to avoid and blocklist resources for moderators.

Thanks to everybody who gave feedback on earlier drafts!

Read on for some excerpts (1/N)

Anyone looking for a roommate in NY or CT? Will need a new place before the end of September. Boosts appreciated.

420/cannabis mentioned 

I swing the door open at the dispensary, and the 1st season JJK ending theme is playing, right on cue 🪩💃✨️🎶

all things considered; I think the only way I'd get actually upset at someone else's sona being similar to mine is if they actually stole my artwork (or fed it to an AI)

last boost

(in the same tone as the "same hat" meme) blue gator! blue croc! :paw_fx90_wave:

finally bought a fridge/freezer thermometer and an oven one

damn :blobsweats:​ the freezer was on the threshold of too warm

and predictably the oven is off by a bit

worth the 14 USD for both

spell check can't even figure out which word I want to spell if the I and E are switched, and people seriously trust AI to do anything absolutely BOGGLES me

I get the alt text for that account isn't ideal, but hourly bats is def getting me by with all the diversity in cuteness 🥰 🦇

reacting to cuteness overload | capslock 

(last boost)







extra strength coffee at home is soooo good 🥰

Start of autumn. The first signs of autumn can be seen. Cooler winds blow, and thick fogs roll through the hills in the morning. 💨


(eating a generic breakfast burrito)

I wonder if adding hot sauce to this would make it better :blobhyperthink:

(some hot sauce later)

yeah! 😎

(some of the mentioned sauce gets on the corner of my lips and outside cheek)

oh no!! :psyduck:

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!